
Knight’s Corner – September 2019

We had a great August at the Lodge; Coast Guard Appreciation, Jamboree with ELVIS. We’ve been busy! I would like to thank all of the volunteers and staff of the lodge for their hard work. All the out of town members. I spoke with that attended the Jamboree were very impressed with our facilities and the number of volunteers. Thank you again! Well, September is here, children are back at school, vacations are winding down and it’s time to play golf. Come down to the lodge and sign up for the E.N.F. Golf Tournament. There will be lots of prizes, food, and FUN. If you don’t play golf, but still want to help your could sponsor a team or help with the event that day. (See me if interested in helping.) Remember, this is a FUNdraiser, so come out and participate. Just a reminder, next month is October, E.N.F. month and we will be having our annual Oktoberfest on the 12th cooked by our VIP Chief Hans Gerstacker and his crew. I will be running a flier in the next bulletin with more details. People are already signing up and it will most likely sell out, so get your reservations in right away. October 12th is also our D.D.G.E.R. Brad Smith’s Homecoming! So come out for some fantastic German food, fun and help us thank Brad for all his hard work for our lodge and District, or just to hear him yodel.
Scott Reinsmith, Loyal Knight and ENF Chairman


Redwood Roamers – September 2019

The Roamers took the month of July off to relax after roaming the Oregon Coast. In June the Roamers visited Winchester Bay, Reedsport and Brookings for the Kite Festival. August is full of activities with a BBQ at Bill’s and a “Do Nothing Labor Day Weekend” at the Klamath RV Park. Howard and Karen Ritter say it is a “Do Nothing Labor Day Weekend” but the itinerary
is more than nothing.

Loren and Sue Pancoast are planning a wonderful weekend to Florence, Oregon for September 19th through 21st. The Roamers last outing will be to Benbow KOA on November 1st through 3rd. Bob and Cheryl Holt are planning this event.

Thank you to Roamers who have stepped forward to plan our outings. The next meeting will be September 4th at 4:30 pm at the Lodge.
Dale A. Stockly, Wagonmaster


Trustee’s Corner – September 2019

Many thanks to all our members who supported this years’ Jamboree held at our Lodge. Special thanks to Jerry Vernig/Nelson Floor for the donation of carpet for the locations of our three Jenga stations to protect our dance floor. Jenga Madness was definitely one of the high points of the weekend. Thank you, Lodge Redwood Roamers and Howard Ritter, organizer.

Thanks again to Ron Porter and James “Jim” Collins for your work around the Lodge painting and lawn mowing. Ron is also a new face behind the bar. Please thank all our Volunteers for their time volunteering around the Lodge.

The Trustees are once again asking for any member who is a licensed contractor — general, electrical, plumber, certified welder — who is interested in doing work or submitting bids for work at the Lodge to submit their names and contact information (phone numbers and email addresses) so the Lodge can update its’ contact lists.

The Lodge is also seeking members who may wish to be considered for a maintenance/construction advisory committee to the Board of Trustees for any upcoming Lodge improvement projects. This committee would update the Board at each of their monthly meetings on project issues and progress. The committee would consist of one Trustee and four Lodge members in good standing, with background experience in construction, facilities maintenance, mechanical engineering/drafting, RV and recreational/commercial vehicle experience and/or bid solicitation for projects. Please submit contact information to the Board of Trustees.

We had our DDGER Visitation performed by Robert Lenk from Redding Lodge, on August 21, 2019, for our DDGER Brad Smith, who, by statute, could not audit his own Lodge. He was very impressed with the Lodge and spoke very highly of us. Last and not least, our local schools are back in session. Be extra careful while driving in school zones and look for buses, bicycles and walkers out and about on the roadways.

Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns Community Events News

Eureka Elks #652 Golf Tournament

A fundraiser for (E.N.F.) Elks National Foundation

The Elks National Foundation helps Elks build stronger communities through programs that support youth and the needs of today’s veterans. Sunday September 22, 2019 Check in! ~ 8am to 9am 9 Hole Tee Off ~ 9:30am Teams of 4

~ Best Ball Scramble $50 per person ~ $200 per team

Fees include: Green Fees, Cart, Bucket of Range Balls, & a Fabulous Lunch at BPO Lodge

There will also be a 50/50 Raffle ~ over $100 prize!

Many other Raffle prizes from local businesses, Drink Specials and Gift Baskets. Get a team together today and PLAY! Sign up at the Elks team or sponsor the team.)

* Reservations can be made at the Lodge, or call 442-6652
Ext. 3 (mention ENF Golf) & leave your phone number.

Columns Events News

August 2019 Jamboree Schedule

Jamboree Schedule

Friday, August 16, 2019 Cost is $20 per person for the evening.
Cocktails at 5:00, no host bar. Cook your own steak at 6:30. Live band and dancing till 10:30.

Saturday, August 17, 2019 Cost is $30 per person for the day and evening, excluding golf fees.

Sea Food Extravaganza: The Lodge kitchen is open to contestants of the Sea Food cook off at 8:00. Deck area will have canopies (you may bring your own) booths to accommodate Lodges competing in the Sea Food cook off. Lodges need to notify Eureka if they are competing so accommodations can be made. The rules are simple: the dish must contain sea food, be able to be served in a bowl and eaten with a spoon. The contestants should make enough of their specialty to feed at least 30 people beginning at noon. Tasting by the judges will be at 1:00. Prizes will be awarded!

Jenga Game Contest: There will be three Giant Jenga Game tables set up on the dance floor for teams to compete. The contest will be a double elimination beginning at 10:00, and continuing until the championship team emerges. Teams can be made up of any member from any Lodge. Jenga is an old game that is a lot of fun and some skill is involved. Prizes will be awarded!

Other Games: There will be a golf outing if there is enough interest at the golf course adjacent to the Lodge. Please email if you are interested in playing golf. Tee time of 9:30, format to be determined. There will be a poker and/or cribbage tournament if there is enough interest at the two professional card tables in the Lodge. Contact Brad if you are interested. There will be other lawn games on the lawn during the day. All games will end at 4:00. Prizes will be awarded!

Saturday Night Events: The events will start at 5:00 with a no host bar. There will be a dinner show starting at 6:00. The dinner show had been brought in from Nevada. Clint Ingbretson and Ila Selene is a dynamic pair of singers who impersonate singers like Willie Nelson, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra and others. Dinner is Prime Rib, Baked Potatoes, Vegetable, and all the trimmings. Lodge baskets will be auctioned off during costume changes. The Jamboree Raffle will be held at 9:00, need not be present to win. This year we are giving away $4, 450 during the raffle.
Each Lodge is requested to bring to the Jamboree a basket with contents that represent their area. The Lodge baskets will be auctioned off during the Jamboree dinner. The proceeds go into the Jamboree fund, which is a charitable organization.

Sunday, August 18, 2019 Cost $10 per person if eating. Coffee, juice, fruit is free.
Breakfast will be served starting at about 7:30 and ending at about 11:00. The Jamboree meeting will start at 8:30 in the dining room area, so you can continue eating if needed. This is the meeting where officers are elected and the general business of the organization is conducted. Voting members are the Exalted Rulers and the Jamboree officers, but all elks are invited to attend.

Please call 707-442-6652 and use the phone tree for reservations. RV are on a first come first serve basis. You can elect to make reservations for one, two or three days meals. Teams are encouraged for the Jenga tournament. Let us know if your Lodge is bringing a basket for the auction, and the approximate value.

Columns News

Exalted Ruler’s Column – August 2019

Summer is sailing by so quickly or so it seems to me anyway. St. Louis was amazing, the National Convention was an
experience that will not be forgotten! Such patriotism, so much red, white, and blue! Everyone was so friendly and helpful. The Convention was well organized and the sessions were very informative.

This month brings Jamboree to our lodge, August 16-18. If you have not partaken in Jamboree before, you need to come out to the lodge for the weekend. It starts Friday night with “Cook Your Own Steak” which is always a well-attended event with music and dancing to follow. On Saturday the fun starts with numerous lodges competing for the bragging rights for the best chowder, the best booth decorations, and the best costumes. Judging of the chowders will be at 1:00 pm and this is even an event in itself with each team presenting their tasty delights and the bribing of the judges with libations and even hard cold cash… whatever is necessary to win as they say!!

I’ve participated in this event the last two times we have been the host lodge and every time it has been a great time. Many events have been planned for the day, a Jenga competition will be taking place during the day with a starting time of 10:00 am and if you haven’t played Jenga, you are missing out on a lot of fun. It is even a fun spectator event. You can root on your team or the individual player and as the game continues, marvel at the skill and determination of each team member to remove the blocks successfully without toppling the entire structure. Saturday evening will start at 5:00 pm with a no host bar, prime rib dinner at 6:00 pm, dinner show from Nevada featuring Clint Ingbretson and Ila Selene who do a fantastic job of impersonating Frank Sinatra, Willie Nelson, and of course, Elvis! There will be the raffling of the lodge baskets during the dressing changes and the Jamboree Raffle taking place at 9:00 pm. The weekend is not over until you have had breakfast on Sunday morning. The price for this weekend of entertainment is $60.00 per person!! So, come out on August 16th through the 18th for a fun packed weekend!

Other business of the lodge, we are still looking for a Kitchen Manager and an Assistant Kitchen Manager, if you are interested please contact me at 707-498-3101 or call the lodge at 707-442-6652.

I hope to see you at the lodge. Remember we are an all-volunteer organization and we can always use more help. The best way to feel at home, is to get involved! You have my number, call me and I will help you find a way to get involved.

Gwen Carrol,
Exalted Ruler
Deeds Not Words

Columns News

Leading Knight’s Corner – August 2019

Thank you to all that came to our 4th of July Fundraiser. We cleared $1,500 for the Major Projects. Great job everyone and thanks to all the help.

Each and everyone’s participation will help children Walk, Talk and Play. If your pigs are full please drop them off at the lodge and grab a new one.

I want to congratulate Terry Long and crew for their hard work and success of the Fire Works stand. 7097

On Thursday, August 15th we will be having our annual Coast Guard Appreciation Cook Your Own Steak dinner. Coast Guard is free and everyone else is $25 per person. Cocktails are 5:30 pm and dinner starts at 6:30 pm. Call the lodge to make reservations: 442-6652 Ext. 3, mention Coast Guard.

Kathy Payne, Leading Knight

Columns News

Veterans’ Committee

Greeting fellow Veterans. The Lodge Veterans Committee had some busy folks and have lots more events in the coming few months.

In June the Veterans Committee and Eureka VA Clinic held our 3rd Annual Car & Motorcycle Show on June 27th. This year was a great success. We had 46 Veteran cars, trucks and motorcycles and well over 100 visitors to look at cars. This year’s guest judge was Joe Paschall from Vanishing Point Racing. Joe is a Vietnam War Veteran and we are thankful that he was able to join us again this year. In the evening of June 27th Eureka Veterans Committee held a Korean War Veterans Appreciation dinner. There were 42 Korean War Veterans in attendance and many guests. I want to give a special thank you to some of the Eureka Elks Lodge #652 Officers for helping with these two events. It is remarkable the continues support that Veterans Committee gets from our lodge to hold events such as these. Also, a special thank you to the Veterans Committee for their hard work and collaboration on these projects. We would not have such successful events as these without your continued support for our Veterans.

The North Coast Stand Down is knocking at our back door and you bet that the Eureka Veterans Committee will be present. Stand Down this year is scheduled for October 3rd, 4th and 5th at the Ferndale Fair Grounds. The Veterans Committee will be providing and serving dinner on Thursday and cooking and serving lunch on Friday.

November 8th, 2019 will be our 4th Annual R.E.D. Friday Event. Please stay tuned for more details regarding
this event.

Casey Stephens,
US Army, Retired
Veterans’ Committee Chairman

Columns News

Redwood Roamers – August 2019

During the month of June, the Roamers once again roamed up the Oregon coast for the National Chainsaw Carving Championship. A total of twelve RVs made the trip to Winchester Bay to attend the chainsaw carving event held in Reedsport Oregon. The four-day event had carvers from five countries and more than ten states. The carving craftsmanship was amazing! At least three Roamers purchased a carving. In fact, one Roamer got carried away and purchased a new trailer (which was not made of wood)!

Other events that Roamers participated in included riding the Sand Rails across the Oregon Sand Dunes, attending the Reedsport Gem Show, touring the Umpqua Lighthouse, walking thru the gardens of Shore Acres, and of course eating. You can’t go on a Roamers trip without expecting to gain weight. Our feast at Chen’s Family Dish (voted the best restaurant in Florence, Oregon) produced enough food to last three days, and our ending night potluck (held in the beautiful Marine Activity Center) created a great time to share our adventure and grow our friendships.

If you are an Elk, own an RV, and enjoy an adventure, you should be a member of the Eureka Roamers RV Club. Roamers have the following outings left for this year:

Bill’s BBQ – August 24th
Labor Day Weekend Klamath RV Park
Florence and Gold Beach in September 19th-21st
Benbow RV Park in November
Thank you to Roamers who have stepped forward to plan our outings. The next meeting will be August 7 at

4:30 pm at the Lodge.
Dale A. Stockly, Wagonmaster

Columns News

Trusteee’s Corner – August 2019

Summer is flying by fast, especially with the nice weather we are having. Your lodge continues to be a busy hub of the community. The 4th of July Dinner was well attended and Kathy and her crew put together a great meal of beef ribs and BBQ chicken. Special thanks goes to Terry Long and Demmerri and all those who volunteered at the fireworks booth, which benefits our lodge youth events.

Thanks to all who have been stepping up volunteering around the lodge with indoor and outdoor projects. It all helps to make everything run smoothly and keeps your lodge shining! Whether it be scheduled work party days, Herd Talk mailing, stuffing envelopes for various up-coming events, kitchen and/or dining room help, every bit helps!

Continue to have an enjoyable fun and safe summer. I hope to see you at our District Jamboree this August 16th-18th at your lodge.

Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees