Columns News

Redwood Roamers – February 2019

The Redwood Roamers met on January 2 and nominated outings for 2019. The Roamers voted on the nominated outings and the results will be shared at our next meeting on February 6th. Trail Blazers and Greasers will plan our monthly outings. Capt. Bill Barton led the Roamers vs. Officers on Wednesday, January 23 in a Jenga Tournament at 7:00 pm. If you weren’t there, you missed great fun!

The next Roamers meeting will be February 6th at 4:30 pm at the Lodge. Any Elk members interested in joining the Roamers are welcome to attend the meeting.

Dale A. Stockly, Wagonmaster

Columns News

Trustee’s Corner – February 2019

Hello to the membership,

It’s starting to feel a bit like Spring! We’re planning an outdoor Lodge work party for April (a date will be scheduled and posted next month).

  • The new convection ovens are in use by the cooking crews with thumbs up.
  • The new phone system is installed and plans for the voice mail boxes to be set up is being planning by
    the house committee.
  • The new steam table is scheduled to arrive the first week of February.

Last but not least the 1st of game of the Jenga Challenge between the Redwood Roamers and the Lodge Trustees & Officers was held Wednesday, January 23rd after Taco Tuesday with an awesome group in attendance cheering and lending support to players with Team Elks securing a win. Game 2 set for Wednesday January 30. Follow the game! To date $210 was raised for the Veterans and Boy Scout accounts.

Thank You all for your support; FUN WAS HAD BY ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Respectfully and Fraternally,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns News

Veterans’ Committee Report – February 2019

The Eureka Elks Veterans Committee has been busy already this year. In the month of January, we had four Veterans join the lodge; welcome to our new lodge Veterans.

Eureka Elks Lodge #652 Veterans Committee recently donated $1000.00 to Dell’Arte for its showing of “Radioman,” a play about solders and PTSD ranging from the Vietnam War to the current War in Afghanistan.

The Veterans Committee is looking for all Korean War Veterans. If you are a Korean War Veteran or know of a Korean War Veteran (that is not deceased) that served between the dates of June 25, 1950 – July 27, 1953, please provide the Eureka Veterans Committee with your information. You can obtain an information card from the Eureka Elks Lodge or at the Eureka VA Clinic at 930 W. Harris Street, or have one mailed to you by calling the Eureka VA Clinic Member Services Rep Kelly Stephens at (707) 269-7549.

This year’s Veterans Committee and Eureka VA Car Show will be held on Friday June 28th from 11-3. In the coming weeks registration forms will be available for pick up at the Eureka Elks Lodge or the Eureka VA Clinic at the front desk. If you have any questions regarding this car show please call Kelly Stephens at the number above.

If you would like to join the Veterans Committee please contact me at (707) 599-0483.

Casey Stephens, US Army, Retired
Veterans’ Committee Chairman

Columns News

Exalted Ruler’s Column – January 2018

Let me be among the first to wish you a very happy New Year! This is always the time of year we all make New Year’s Resolutions. Some of them we keep, others fall by the wayside. But, I hope you make and keep a resolution to come on out and enjoy your lodge. We’ll have all kinds of activities that you and your family can enjoy.

Here’s another resolution I hope you’ll make: to become a volunteer at the lodge. We need more cooks in the kitchen, more bartenders behind the bar and more who can help serve meals, be cashiers, take tickets at events, and tile the door. Remember, this is your lodge. Together, we can all make it even more successful and more enjoyable for our fellow Elk members.

We want to continue to make improvements to your lodge. There is an E.R. Suggestion Box in the hallway outside of the Clerk’s office. Please feel free to write any suggestions and I’ll pass them along to our House Committee and to our Board of Trustees.

Finally, make a resolution to take part in our events. This month, enjoy the Weekend in the Redwoods on January 11th through 13th where you can meet Elks
from other lodges. Then, we’ll have a visit from our State President-Elect Tim Jaeger on Saturday, January 26th where you can win some valuable prizes. Be sure to read the Herd Talk and “like” us on Facebook for more details on these and other upcoming events.

Together, we’re Elks! Here’s to 2019!
Dennis Hunter, Exalted Ruler

Columns News

Leading Knight’s Corner – January 2018

Happy New Year!!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I’m finalizing the details for the Valentines Dinner and will have the menu out soon along with the tickets. This will be a pre-paid dinner just like our New Year’s Eve event.

Some of the up-coming events: “Purple Pig Dinner” will be later in February and St. Patrick‘s Day corned beef & cabbage dinner in March.

As the Leading Knight, I will be moving up to the next position if you, the membership, so desire. If that does occur, I will be looking for one more
officer and committed chairpersons along with House Committee members. If you would like to become more involved in your lodge by serving as an officer or on any of the committees, please get in touch with me.

Speaking about becoming more involved in your lodge, we are a volunteer lodge and always in need of volunteers for the dining room, bar and tiling the
door. Please call the lodge and sign up to volunteer!

Your Leading Knight,
Gwen Carroll, Leading Knight

Columns News

Lecturing Knight – January 2018

A new year is upon us and I would like to thank all of the many volunteers at the lodge for their help and hard work, especially over the busy holiday season.

I would like to invite all members to come down to the lodge, February 3rd for a big Super Bowl party. We will have food, games, a 50/50 raffle and more. Sign up at the bar or call in so that we can get an idea of how many people to expect.

This is a fundraiser so all funds will go to the Elks National Foundation. I hope to see many of you there.

Scott Reinsmith,
Lecturing Knight and E.N.F. Chairperson

Columns News

Redwood Roamers – January 2018

At the last Roamers meeting on December 5th, we had a great X-mas party including Howard Ritter projecting a film of the Roamers’ outings and events of 2018. The places the Roamers went to in 2018 are Fort Bragg in May, Lewiston in June, also Reedsport, Oregon in June, Klamath RV Park and McCloud RV Park in July, Florence RV and Gold Beach in August, Apple Hill in September, and finally Benbow RV Park in November. Everyone had great times at all these outings. We are looking forward to new outings in 2019 under newly-elected Wagonmaster Dale Stockly.

On Wednesday, January 23, 2019, the Roamers are challenging the Board of Trustees to a game of Jenga at 7:00 pm in the lounge. Best of 2 out of 3 matches will be declared winners. Come in and support your teams and have fun!

From all the Roamers, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

The next Roamers meeting will be January 2nd at 4:30 pm at the Lodge. Any Elk members interested in joining the Roamers are welcome to attend the meeting.

Columns News

Trustee’s Corner – January 2018

Your Board has been very busy through December and we’re off to full work-out in January! We had a new automated phone system installed to relieve some of the phone call work load on office staff and the bartenders. There will be more information forthcoming on this phone system for all the members as soon as installation and training is complete.

Two new convection ovens were purchased and if they are not already installed, they will be soon and the ovens they replaced will be surplussed at a set price yet to be determined.

In December the Trustees, Exalted Ruler, Audit Committee Chairman Brad Smith, Secretary, Treasurer, Royal Night Kathy Payne, and Bookkeeper Maggie Stimson reviewed the financials for the first six months of this year. All were in agreement (other than some minor adjustments) that the financial status of the lodge was in good standing. The next review will be turned in soon and the Board will begin working on next
year’s 2019/2020 Budget in February.

Spring will be here in no time and the Board is continuing to seek lawn mowing and weed-eating HELP beginning in February. Please contact me or the office if you have a few extra hours to help keep YOUR LODGE in shape.

The Board of Trustees meets every month on the first and third Tuesdays at 6 pm. Any member in good standing may attend. If you desire to address the board on a lodge matter, please contact Nina in the office so it can be assigned to the appropriate committee for placement on the agenda.

We are seeking help for crab cooking and serving for Weekend in the Redwoods, later in the month, and also possibly March. Please contact me directly (number in paper newsletter).

Respectfully and Fraternally,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns News

Exalted Ruler’s Column – December 2018

’Tis the season to be jolly! But, as we celebrate the month of December, we also remember our Elks brethren in Paradise, CA. The Elks Lodge in Paradise is completely gone and brother and sister Elks are without homes. As our Ritual dictates: “The hands of every Elk on the face of the earth will be stretched forth (to you) in a spirit of fellowship and to relieve your distress should you be overtaken by adversity and misfortune.” To that end, your Eureka Elks officers and Board of Trustees stepped up to the plate to help those Elks in need. Our lodge sent $5,000.00 to the Paradise Lodge. In addition, our Past Exalted Rulers voted to send an additional $2,000.

If you would like to make a contribution, you may send a check to the California-Hawaii Elks Major Project Emergency Disaster Fund (CHEMPI EDF). They will see that the funds are allocated appropriately to those in need. Remember – Your contributions are tax deductible! Send checks made payable to CHEMPI to: CHEMPI, 5450 E. Lamona Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727-2224. You may also make credit card donations by calling 559-255-4531. At this time, they are only able to accept monetary contributions.

The month of December is busy and filled with special holiday events. Please read the Herd Talk and make plans to attend. Tickets are on sale now for the New Year’s Eve Party. Make your reservations early for a table. Prime Rib Dinner will be prepared by Dan and Starlene.

To honor those fellow Elk members who have departed, please join us for our Annual Memorial Service on Sunday, December 2nd at 11:00 am in the Lodge Room. With the holidays approaching, please pause to remember our Veterans and give thanks. Without them and their sacrifices, we would not have a country that is free with choices to make a better life.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
God Bless You All
Dennis & Karen Hunter, Exalted Ruler & First Lady

Columns News

Leading Knight – December 2018

I would like to apologize to those who signed up for the Men’s Fashion Show and to the men who so graciously volunteered to be models. As you know we had to cancel this annual event for lack of support. This was to be a fundraiser for Major Projects. Major Projects gives assistance to disabled children. It finds speech therapist, vision specialists and physical therapists to mention some of the benefits it affords needy children. I will get off my “soapbox” now.

We are headed into the holiday season and this is always a very busy time of the year for our lodge. Every weekend and many week days are booked for a party of some sort and that means as a “volunteer club,” we are going to need help. This is an excellent way to meet your fellow members and many times you will know the people who are attending the parties. Please call the lodge or call or email me and I will help you to get hooked up to volunteer.

Remember December 15th is the Elk’s Christmas Party for your children and grandchildren. Call the lodge and sign them up so you and yours can join in the fun of Christmas and Santa Claus!!! Don’t forget New Years at the lodge. Look for more information in this issue of the “Herd Talk.” Don’t forget VALENTINES DAY at the lodge. Bring your sweetie for a romantic evening!!!

Your Leading Knight,
Gwen Carroll, Leading Knight