Columns Community News

Redwood Roamers – March 2019

The Redwood Roamer met on February 6th. We welcomed new members Dave/Marie Eberhardt, Charles/Donna Pace and David/Jayme Turner. The major portion of our meeting was deciding where to roam. We planned an outing for each month. First will be the Winter Retreat at our own Elks RV Park March 22nd-24th. There will be Swap Meet, Saturday 23rd at 1:00 pm inside the dining hall. April we will travel to Angels Camp in the Gold Country. May 3-4 we will host the Redding RV Club here. On May 16-20th we travel to Fort Bragg. Shortly after we return, we head for Lewiston on May 30th. June brings Reedsport/Winchester Bay on June 13th-17th. July is open and August we head to Florence and Gold Beach. Labor Day weekend will be spent at Klamath RV Park. October is open and November we travel to Benbow RV Park to enjoy a Thanksgiving celebration together.

The next meeting will be March 6th at 4:30 pm at the Lodge. Any Elk members interested in joining the Roamers are welcomed to attend the meeting. Also be sure to join us at the next Jenga Challenge on March 27 at 7:30 pm in the bar area of the lodge.

Dale A Stockly, Wagon Master