Community Events News

Annual Coast Guard Appreciation Dinner

The annual U. S. Coast Guard Appreciation Dinner featured barbecued steak dinners for more than 120 U. S. Coast Guard Sector Humboldt Bay personnel and their guests, an annual thank you to the members of the Coast Guard who keep North Coast seafarers safe. In addition to steaks barbecued on the giant grills of the Elks Lodge for the guests in attendance, more than one dozen steak dinners were cooked, boxed and delivered to on-duty personnel who were unable to attend the event. The dinner, a yearly collaboration among the three Eureka Rotary Clubs—Eureka, Southwest Eureka, Old Town—and Elks Lodge #652, celebrates the Coast Guard’s August birthday and the deep ties between the Coast Guard and the City of Eureka. In 2000, Eureka became the second city in the country to be designated as an Official Coast Guard City by the U.S. Congress—it is one of only 20 cities in the country to receive that designation.

Captain Gregory T. Fuller, Sector Commander, United States Coast Guard, Sector Humboldt Bay presented commemorative plaques to the evening’s hosts, saying that “this steak dinner is the best event of the year for the women and men of the Coast Guard.” (Amended from

Community Events News

Fireworks Sales Help Youth Activities

Now that the Fourth of July has come and gone, I would like to thank everyone who helped with this year’s fireworks
event. From helping put up and take down the booth to those who worked in the booth selling the fireworks. It’s volunteers like you that help make the event happen. Again, thanks to all who helped and to all who purchase fireworks this year to support youth activities at the lodge.

Terry Long, Fireworks Chairman

Community Events News

Donations for this year’s Veteran’s North Coast Stand Down Needed!

There’s a box in the lobby closet for dona/ons for this year’s Veteran’s North Coast Stand Down to be held October 5th, 6th and 7th. We especially need sleeping bags, any rain gear, and winter coats or jackets.

Community News

Elks Raise Funds to Help Youngsters with Disabilities

Eureka – More than $3,000,000 has been contributed this year by members of Elks Lodges throughout California and Hawaii to be used in treating children with disabilities.

Dennis Hunter, Exalted Ruler of Eureka Elks Lodge #652, of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, contributed $20,237 which was raised by members of the Lodge.

“We are pleased and proud that members of our local Eureka Elks Lodge were so generous with their dollars and time in this important undertaking,” Hunter said.

Since 1950, the 84,000 members from throughout California and Hawaii have turned over more than $117,000,000 to the California-Hawaii Elks Major Project, Inc., which administers the non-profit charitable corporation.

All of the funds are devoted solely to providing vision screening and therapy treatment to children with a broad range of disabilities.  Without the Elks supported donations, many of these children would not receive such treatment.

The year-long fund raising campaign is capped by an impressive ceremony at the annual Elks Convention when representatives of lodges from throughout California and Hawaii present their donations to Major Project and Elks Association leaders. Eureka’s donations kicked the grand total over the $3,000,000 mark!

The raising of funds to aid children with disabilities is just one of the many philanthropic and patriotic projects which mark the Elks’ contribution to our community.