Columns Community News

Trustees Corner – April 2019

We have had another fantastic year at OUR lodge. As it closes, please thank our Past Exalted Ruler Dennis Hunter for a great year and welcome our new Exalted Ruler, Gwen Carroll. Mark Householter is retiring as he has served his 5-year term as a Lodge Trustee and is moving to Arizona. Thank you Mark for your service to this Lodge and its members. Pierre Carbonneau, a familiar face at the lodge and in the community is your newly elected 5-year Trustee and a loyal Veteran.

Our 2019/2020 annual estimated positive budget draft is posted on the Lodge Bulletin Board for view. Please DO NOT REMOVE. Any inquiries or comments may be made at our first Lodge meeting on Wednesday, April 3rd. Approval and adoption will be made at our Lodge meeting on Wednesday, April 17th. Unexpended monies in the 2018/20129 budget, in the approximate amount of $80,000 will be moved into the Mortgage Loan Account and will be paid on our mortgage. The Lodge moved to surplus three items from the current lodge inventory:

1. A portable 220 V electric warming table. It needs work. Make an offer.
2. Portable Fax Machine. Make an offer.
3. American Brand Double stacked convection ovens. Natural Gas/120 V. Minimum Bid $600.00. Was
working when it was taken out of service in December 2018.

These item are surplused in an AS IS CONDITION and this Lodge and its members dissolve/release any Liability of these items in their future use. Please contact the board of Trustees if you have any interest. The Board is looking forward to another year serving its members.

Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns Community News

Drug Awareness Essay Winner

The Eureka Elks drug awareness program had received essays for the 2018/19 contest and we are proud to announce our winner, Sierra Larson age 13 from Winship middle school. She is our $100 dollar winning entry. Thanks to all who made this year a success. We hope to have a great coming year with more activities for the kids regarding this wonderful program. Here’s the winning essay:

Life is made of many things—our feelings, our pain, our family and friends, our health and our pets! Drugs take that away in one way or another.

Drugs take away from family and friends. In certain situa-ons, drug users will lie to their family and friends to continue their use of drugs and make them untrustworthy. Family and friends would not want to hang out with someone who lies to them. Drugs that are illegal and parents who use them and are caught can have their kids taken away. Their kids get taken to foster homes and can get adopted to people who aren’t the best parents for them.

Drugs can take away our health or worst our life! Drugs have been scientifically proven to be bad for our health whether people argue or not. Drugs chemically change our brains and change how we act. I would like to accentuate how drugs can change our outward appearance. It can make us ugly and older and give us sores and breakouts on our faces. I have seen some pretty scary tweakers in Humboldt. Drugs can take our most valuable thing: our life. We could take drugs one -me and die. We could take it eleven times and die. Why take the chance?

People on drugs are only thinking of themselves when doing drugs and being selfish. Remember, family is always thinking of your best interests, so think of them and don’t do drugs. Drugs only take away pain temporarily. Do sports!

Community Events News

Elks Installation of Officers

Gwen Carroll will be Installed Exalted Ruler of Eureka Elks Lodge on Saturday, March 30th. Gwen is a member of the pioneer families of Mars Kjer from Arcata bottom and the Pohler family from Ferndale. She was raised in Arcata and attended St. Bernard High School. She is a graduate of College of the Redwoods Nursing program and is a registry nurse, traveling to hospitals in Northern California. Installation will be at 6:00pm with social and dinner to follow. For reservations phone 707-442-6652.

Columns Community Events

Elks Donate to Eureka High Junior

Eureka Elks Lodge donated $500.00 to Melina McKenna. She is junior at Eureka High. The donation is going to help her attend the National Student Leadership Conference at Georgetown University. The conference is for 9 days and will have emphasis on law and advocacy. She will also tour the many monuments in Washington D.C. Pictured with Melina is Elks Exalted Ruler, Dennis Hunter.

Columns Community News

RCMF Donation

Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 donated $2,500.00 to the Redwood Coast Music Festival (RCMF). The festival will be May 9-12. Four days of music and dance with 85 stages, over 30 bands and 100 plus sets. Advance tickets available at web site Pictured from left to right: RCMF Board Member, Matt Niesen; RCMF Vice President, Yvonne Cooney; Elks Exalted Ruler, Dennis Hunter; RCMF President, Carol Lotentzen and Elks Board of Trustee Member Kevin Christie.

Columns Community News

Redwood Roamers – March 2019

The Redwood Roamer met on February 6th. We welcomed new members Dave/Marie Eberhardt, Charles/Donna Pace and David/Jayme Turner. The major portion of our meeting was deciding where to roam. We planned an outing for each month. First will be the Winter Retreat at our own Elks RV Park March 22nd-24th. There will be Swap Meet, Saturday 23rd at 1:00 pm inside the dining hall. April we will travel to Angels Camp in the Gold Country. May 3-4 we will host the Redding RV Club here. On May 16-20th we travel to Fort Bragg. Shortly after we return, we head for Lewiston on May 30th. June brings Reedsport/Winchester Bay on June 13th-17th. July is open and August we head to Florence and Gold Beach. Labor Day weekend will be spent at Klamath RV Park. October is open and November we travel to Benbow RV Park to enjoy a Thanksgiving celebration together.

The next meeting will be March 6th at 4:30 pm at the Lodge. Any Elk members interested in joining the Roamers are welcomed to attend the meeting. Also be sure to join us at the next Jenga Challenge on March 27 at 7:30 pm in the bar area of the lodge.

Dale A Stockly, Wagon Master

Columns Community News

Redwood Roamers – December 2018

The Roamers held a meeting on November 7th. A report was given on the outing to Benbow RV Park on November 1st – 4th . Thursday evening we had a potluck dinner, afterwards we sat around two campfire rings. Friday started with a great brunch from 9-11 am. Some Roamers went shopping in Garberville, some played washers and cribbage, others took a ride to Shelter Cove. Friday evening the Roamers who live in the Garberville area put on a great Thanksgiving dinner. It included a smoked turkey, homegrown ham and all the fixings. There were 55 Roamers and guests for dinner. After dinner we had three fire rings going. Saturday started with brunch again put on by our trailblazers, Darrell, Teresa and Denise Gillette. Everyone was on their own until 3:30, when we went to the drive thru tree in Leggett. We had a group photo in front on the Chandelier Tree. After Leggett we attended the Piercy Volunteer Firemen’s fund raising BBQ. They put on a very good steak and chicken BBQ. This is their major fund easier for the year. Saturday evening we had four camp fire rings going. Bob Holt was the winner of the washers game and Bud Slagle barely came out on top in the cribbage tournament. Everyone had a great time and more than enough to eat.

Other business: the Roamer decorated a X-mas tree on November 12th and elected our new Wagonmaster Dale Stockly. The next meeting is December 5th at 4:30. Any lodge member who is interested may attend.

Community Events News

Annual Coast Guard Appreciation Dinner

The annual U. S. Coast Guard Appreciation Dinner featured barbecued steak dinners for more than 120 U. S. Coast Guard Sector Humboldt Bay personnel and their guests, an annual thank you to the members of the Coast Guard who keep North Coast seafarers safe. In addition to steaks barbecued on the giant grills of the Elks Lodge for the guests in attendance, more than one dozen steak dinners were cooked, boxed and delivered to on-duty personnel who were unable to attend the event. The dinner, a yearly collaboration among the three Eureka Rotary Clubs—Eureka, Southwest Eureka, Old Town—and Elks Lodge #652, celebrates the Coast Guard’s August birthday and the deep ties between the Coast Guard and the City of Eureka. In 2000, Eureka became the second city in the country to be designated as an Official Coast Guard City by the U.S. Congress—it is one of only 20 cities in the country to receive that designation.

Captain Gregory T. Fuller, Sector Commander, United States Coast Guard, Sector Humboldt Bay presented commemorative plaques to the evening’s hosts, saying that “this steak dinner is the best event of the year for the women and men of the Coast Guard.” (Amended from

Community Events News

Fireworks Sales Help Youth Activities

Now that the Fourth of July has come and gone, I would like to thank everyone who helped with this year’s fireworks
event. From helping put up and take down the booth to those who worked in the booth selling the fireworks. It’s volunteers like you that help make the event happen. Again, thanks to all who helped and to all who purchase fireworks this year to support youth activities at the lodge.

Terry Long, Fireworks Chairman

Community Events News

Donations for this year’s Veteran’s North Coast Stand Down Needed!

There’s a box in the lobby closet for dona/ons for this year’s Veteran’s North Coast Stand Down to be held October 5th, 6th and 7th. We especially need sleeping bags, any rain gear, and winter coats or jackets.