Columns News

Exalted Ruler’s Column – July 2019

July is here and so is our fireworks booth. Check it out. We are offering a 10% discount on your purchase if you present your membership card. The fireworks booth is the major fundraiser for our youth activities and contributions so please support us as we support our local youth. There is a sign-up sheet to help in the booth, call the Lodge and get involved.

This month my husband and I will be traveling to St. Louis, MO for Grand National Convention. This should prove to be an adventure! I am sure our District Deputy will make sure all his “Brad’s Brats” will tow the line! It is an honor to represent you and our lodge. Remember the Jamboree will be at our Lodge this year and the dates are August 16-19. The weekend kicks off with Cook Your Steak which is always a favorite, Saturday will be a day filled with competition and fun. The Chowder Cook-off includes teams from visiting lodges trying to take home the gold and we will also have Jenga games with a play-off of the final two teams in the afternoon. Saturday night will be filled with
good food and fantastic entertainment by Clint Ingbretson and ILA Selene, a dynamic and unique musical duo. As always there will be an auction.

I would like to thank Gary Payne and his hard-working committee that did such a fine job in celebrating Flag Day at your lodge. If you didn’t make it here this year, mark your calendars for next year! We are looking for a Kitchen Manager, an Assistant Kitchen Manager and an Event Coordinator. Look for the ad for these positions elsewhere in this edition. These are volunteer positions but a true backbone to the
success of our lodge.

Gwen Carrol, Exalted Ruler Deeds Not Words

Columns News

Leading Knight’s Corner – July 2019

To date we have $602.39 set aside with future plans for raising additional monies. We have an early dinner planned for the 4th of July with BBQ Chicken, Beef Ribs, Potato Salad, Beans and Strawberry Short Cake for dessert. We are estimating between 100 to 200 members to attend. Proceeds, after expenses, will be assigned to the Major Projects. Future Sunday Dinners are in the planning stages for the purpose of raising additional funds.

Kathy Payne, Leading Knight

Columns News

Flag Day 2019

The Flag Day program was held outdoors on June 9th with 110 to 145 members and guests attending. We were blessed with fantastic
weather. Participants included the Eureka High School Band, Rainbow Girls, Job’s Daughters, McKinleyville Honor Guard, Boy and Girl Scouts and the lovely, talented Emblem Club Ladies. The Honor Guard member and four Boy Scouts performed the Flag Folding Ceremony, which for many members can be very emotional. The band played Patriotic Music which was a great addition to the program. Dennis Hunter, PER narrated the History of the Flags as the Emblem Ladies carried and posted each Flag. Our local T.V. Chanel 3 attended and covered a portion of the program with a couple of interviews of members afterwards. Following the Ceremony our volunteer Kitchen Crew provided a free Spaghetti Dinner. (The PER Association donated $600.00 to the Eureka High Music Department for their attendance.)

Gary E Payne, P.S.V.P.
Flag Day Committee Chairman

Columns News

Redwood Roamers – July 2019

The Redwood Roamers met on June 5th. Doug McIssac headed up fifteen RVs to Fort Bragg on May 16-19. They played miniature golf on Friday, had a pot-luck, and dinner on the town. Doug said, “We had some showers over the weekend but it did not lessen the fellowship around the campfires.” Joyce Raelich shared the Lewiston Outing on May 30th through June 2nd. She had 18 RVs. Joyce planned breakfast, a BBQ, steak dinner at the Moose Lodge, Peddlers Fair and good fellowship between lightening and showers. Good memories were made by all who attended.

Roamers have the following outings left for this year:
Reedsport/Winchester Bay June 13th – 17th Labor Day Weekend Klamath RV Park
Bill’s BBQ – August 24th Florence and Gold Beach in September
Benbow RV Park in November

Thank you to Roamers who have stepped forward to plan our outings. The next meeting will be July 10th at
4:30 pm at the Lodge.
Dale A. Stockly, Wagonmaster

Columns News

Trustee’s Corner

Summer Greetings

Thank you Ron Porter, Kevin and Serina Tomlin for their lawn mowing and weed-eating around the lodge — everything helps. Anyone else wishing to volunteer at the lodge outdoors, indoors, kitchen, dining room we have all kinds of projects for everyone. Contact Jackie Stihl, Kathy Payne, Nina in the office, or myself Kevin Christie 707-498-7312.

The next Lodge Outdoor Work Party day will be July 19th at 9:00 a.m. For those interested, bring your favorite yard tools you like to use. We have lawn mowing, weed-eating, weed pulling, and some painting to do. Lunch will be provided.

Everyone have an enjoyable and safe summer.
Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns News

Loyal Knight’s Corner – July 2019

Summer is upon us and the warm weather is here. People are coming to the R.V. park to get out of the inland heat. The Flag Day ceremony we had was blessed with great weather for the outdoor presentation. We have a lot going on at the Lodge in the upcoming months. I hope everyone will come out and enjoy some of the activities.

I did not contribute to the Herd Talk last month so I would like to retroactively thank the coaches, officers and lodge members who helped and participated in the Ritual Contest in Ukiah. As your Loyal Night I squeaked out a third-place finish.

Mark September 21st on your calendars. That is the date scheduled for our Elk’s E.N.F. Golf Tournament fundraiser. Teams of four will play nine holes in a best ball scramble. Prizes for longest drive and closest to pin on certain holes will be given. There will also be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams. I still need a few more sponsors and an estimate of how many people will be playing so I will be putting a clip board with the sign-up sheet at the bar. If you want to help out (or have suggestions) please contact me at 498-1895. And last, but not least, October is E.N.F. month and our Oktoberfest fundraiser will be held the 2nd Saturday, October 12th. So come out and enjoy. Danke schön!

Columns News

Exalted Ruler’s Column – June 2019

Summer is here!! Your officers are back from Ritual and the State Convention. Our lodge received two Presidential Achievement Awards at the convention for the year 2018-2019, thank you PER Dennis Hunter!! I hope this year we will earn the necessary points so that at next year’s convention our lodge will be awarded Achievement Awards again.

We will be celebrating Flag Day at our lodge Sunday, June 9th from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. PER Gary Payne has been working on this celebration and this is promised to be a great event that we all should be attending and bring our children or grandchildren to. There will be a spaghetti feed and music. Look in this edition of Herd Talk for more information on this event.

Don’t forget Father’s Day is June 16th and the lodge will be open for breakfast. Bring your father or join him at the lodge to celebrate his special day. This month we will be hosting the Veteran’s Car Show, June 27th from 11:00 to 3:00 pm with awards to be presented at 3:30. Come on out and check out the cars.

Our lodge is hosting the Jamboree this year and we will need volunteers for the weekend of August 16-18. The agenda for the weekend will be: Friday Night Cook Your Own Steak, Saturday will have chowder cook-off, Jenga competition, Prime Rib dinner, entertainment of Clint Ingbretson and Ila Selene (a dynamic musical duo), and an auction. Sunday will finish the weekend with breakfast. If you have not been to a Jamboree weekend, you don’t want to miss this one! All of this for $60 per person.

I hope to see you at the lodge! Remember we are an all-volunteer lodge and our success is because of you!! Volunteer and make our lodge even better. Thank you to all our volunteers!
Gwen Carrol, Exalted Ruler

Columns News

Leading Knight’s Corner – June 2019

We are home again. The Ritual Contest and the State Convention are over. Congratulations to Dennis Hunter for winning the Protocol Trophy for last year! We all are very proud. I hope you will attend the Flag Day Ceremony here at our Lodge on Sunday, June 9th. It is going to be a big event. We also will have a free lunch for everyone following the ceremony.

On Thursday, July 4th I will be doing a Fund Raiser for the Purple Pig/Major Projects. It will be a BBQ of Chicken and Beef Ribs with Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Garlic Bread and Strawberry Short Cake. The price will be $15 per person and Dinner will be at 6 pm. Please RSVP at 442-6652 option 3: leave your name, phone number, # of people and the name of the event (ie: 4th of July, Flag Day, etc.) We hope to see you there!

Your Leading Knight,
Kathy Payne, Leading Knight

Columns Events News

Flag Day 2019

Mark your Calendar for June 9th at 1:30 pm at the Eureka Elks Lodge #652. Our Annual Flag Day Celebration will be presented at that time.

Eureka High School will be providing music during the presentation. Job’s Daughters, Rainbow Girls, along with the Boy and Girl Scouts and the Eureka Emblem Club #298 will also assist with the program.

This is the time to remember and to teach our youngsters the Evolution of the Different Flags of our Country.

The Program will last approximately one hour, with a FREE Lunch to follow made by our Lodge Volunteers. RSVP 442-6652 Option 3, so we know how many people to cook the free lunch for.

Bring your Children, Grand Children, your Neighbor’s Children and help us honor our Nation’s Banner.

Gary E Payne, P.S.V.P.
Flag Day Committee

Columns News

Redwood Roamers – June 2019

The Redwood Roamers met on May 1st. Larry/Connie Basquez shared their outing to 49er Ranch in Columbia. Sixteen Roamers and eight RVs made the trip. The 49er RV Ranch provided hot dogs and chili the first night and a continental breakfast in the morning. We then toured the town of Columbia and visited the historic Iron Stone Winery. Saturday night we gathered for a potluck dinner followed by a gathering around the fire to talk and enjoy friendship. Sunday we went to Murphy’s for wine tasting followed by a trip to historic Calaveras Big Tree State Park. The day concluded with dinner at a Chinese Restaurant in Sonora. Denise Gillette reported that nine RV from Redding attended our “Spring Mixer at the Elks Lodge RV Park”. Friday night was Cook Your Own Steak, Saturday breakfast at Samoa Cookhouse, a tour of Lost Coast Brewery, a potluck dinner and Jenga helped established a strong bond with the Redding Elks. Doug McIssac head up fifteen RVs to Fort Bragg May 16-19. Roamers have scheduled the following outings for the year: Lewiston May 30–June 3 Labor Day Weekend Klamath RV Park Reedsport/Winchester Bay June 13–17 Florence and Gold Beach in September Bill’s BBQ – August 24th Benbow RV Park in November Thank you to Roamers who have stepped forward to plan our outings. The next meeting will be June 5th at 4:30 pm at the Lodge.

Dale A. Stockly, Wagonmaster