Community News

PER Update – March 2020

The Past Exulted Rulers Association of the Eureka Elks Lodge was informed that our sister lodge Crescent
City Elks was in need of our help. The wheels were put in motion to organize a benefit dinner and fundraiser to support the Crescent City Lodge. The Eureka Elks Lodge came together and a fabulous Surf and Turf dinner event was held at our lodge on February 8th. The dinner was cooked by our own Kevin Christie along with kitchen crew volunteers. Many items were donated by the community for our auction items with one individual going above and beyond by handcrafting a beautiful quilt. A big thank you to Rachelle Koher.

Crescent City Lodge was represented by the ER Kevin Woodward and his officers along with Everett Young
and Tim Borges. The event raised over $4000.00 to aid the Crescent City Lodge. The PER Association of
Eureka also donated $250.00. The Great Heart of Elkdom is why we all belong to this great fraternal
organization and I’m very proud of our lodge.
Alan Bobillot, Past Exulted Ruler