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Eureka Elks #652 Golf Tournament

A fundraiser for (E.N.F.) Elks National Foundation

The Elks National Foundation helps Elks build stronger communities through programs that support youth and the needs of today’s veterans. Sunday September 22, 2019 Check in! ~ 8am to 9am 9 Hole Tee Off ~ 9:30am Teams of 4

~ Best Ball Scramble $50 per person ~ $200 per team

Fees include: Green Fees, Cart, Bucket of Range Balls, & a Fabulous Lunch at BPO Lodge

There will also be a 50/50 Raffle ~ over $100 prize!

Many other Raffle prizes from local businesses, Drink Specials and Gift Baskets. Get a team together today and PLAY! Sign up at the Elks team or sponsor the team.)

* Reservations can be made at the Lodge, or call 442-6652
Ext. 3 (mention ENF Golf) & leave your phone number.