Columns Community News

Trustees Corner – April 2019

We have had another fantastic year at OUR lodge. As it closes, please thank our Past Exalted Ruler Dennis Hunter for a great year and welcome our new Exalted Ruler, Gwen Carroll. Mark Householter is retiring as he has served his 5-year term as a Lodge Trustee and is moving to Arizona. Thank you Mark for your service to this Lodge and its members. Pierre Carbonneau, a familiar face at the lodge and in the community is your newly elected 5-year Trustee and a loyal Veteran.

Our 2019/2020 annual estimated positive budget draft is posted on the Lodge Bulletin Board for view. Please DO NOT REMOVE. Any inquiries or comments may be made at our first Lodge meeting on Wednesday, April 3rd. Approval and adoption will be made at our Lodge meeting on Wednesday, April 17th. Unexpended monies in the 2018/20129 budget, in the approximate amount of $80,000 will be moved into the Mortgage Loan Account and will be paid on our mortgage. The Lodge moved to surplus three items from the current lodge inventory:

1. A portable 220 V electric warming table. It needs work. Make an offer.
2. Portable Fax Machine. Make an offer.
3. American Brand Double stacked convection ovens. Natural Gas/120 V. Minimum Bid $600.00. Was
working when it was taken out of service in December 2018.

These item are surplused in an AS IS CONDITION and this Lodge and its members dissolve/release any Liability of these items in their future use. Please contact the board of Trustees if you have any interest. The Board is looking forward to another year serving its members.

Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees