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Drug Awareness Essay Winner

The Eureka Elks drug awareness program had received essays for the 2018/19 contest and we are proud to announce our winner, Sierra Larson age 13 from Winship middle school. She is our $100 dollar winning entry. Thanks to all who made this year a success. We hope to have a great coming year with more activities for the kids regarding this wonderful program. Here’s the winning essay:

Life is made of many things—our feelings, our pain, our family and friends, our health and our pets! Drugs take that away in one way or another.

Drugs take away from family and friends. In certain situa-ons, drug users will lie to their family and friends to continue their use of drugs and make them untrustworthy. Family and friends would not want to hang out with someone who lies to them. Drugs that are illegal and parents who use them and are caught can have their kids taken away. Their kids get taken to foster homes and can get adopted to people who aren’t the best parents for them.

Drugs can take away our health or worst our life! Drugs have been scientifically proven to be bad for our health whether people argue or not. Drugs chemically change our brains and change how we act. I would like to accentuate how drugs can change our outward appearance. It can make us ugly and older and give us sores and breakouts on our faces. I have seen some pretty scary tweakers in Humboldt. Drugs can take our most valuable thing: our life. We could take drugs one -me and die. We could take it eleven times and die. Why take the chance?

People on drugs are only thinking of themselves when doing drugs and being selfish. Remember, family is always thinking of your best interests, so think of them and don’t do drugs. Drugs only take away pain temporarily. Do sports!