Columns Community News

Redwood Roamers – December 2018

The Roamers held a meeting on November 7th. A report was given on the outing to Benbow RV Park on November 1st – 4th . Thursday evening we had a potluck dinner, afterwards we sat around two campfire rings. Friday started with a great brunch from 9-11 am. Some Roamers went shopping in Garberville, some played washers and cribbage, others took a ride to Shelter Cove. Friday evening the Roamers who live in the Garberville area put on a great Thanksgiving dinner. It included a smoked turkey, homegrown ham and all the fixings. There were 55 Roamers and guests for dinner. After dinner we had three fire rings going. Saturday started with brunch again put on by our trailblazers, Darrell, Teresa and Denise Gillette. Everyone was on their own until 3:30, when we went to the drive thru tree in Leggett. We had a group photo in front on the Chandelier Tree. After Leggett we attended the Piercy Volunteer Firemen’s fund raising BBQ. They put on a very good steak and chicken BBQ. This is their major fund easier for the year. Saturday evening we had four camp fire rings going. Bob Holt was the winner of the washers game and Bud Slagle barely came out on top in the cribbage tournament. Everyone had a great time and more than enough to eat.

Other business: the Roamer decorated a X-mas tree on November 12th and elected our new Wagonmaster Dale Stockly. The next meeting is December 5th at 4:30. Any lodge member who is interested may attend.