Columns News

Marta Martinez to be 2022-2023 Exalted Ruler

Marta Martinez will be installed as the new Exalter Rules of Eureka Elks Lodge No. 625. Marta was born and raised in Eureka, the daughter of Ignacio and Claudia Martinez. She graduated from St Bernard’s High and then attended College of the Redwoods and Western Institute of Science and Health in Rohnert Park, CA. She worked at Pacific Convalescent before going to Physical Therapy Assisting school, then worked at General Hospital for 19 years. She is currently working at Cal Poly Humboldt in the Student Health Center.

Martinez joined the Elks eleven years ago and has served as a Trustee for three years and was asked to become Leading Knight. She volunteers many hours, helping in the kitchen, bar area, RV Park and children’s activities. Marta is engaged to Shawn Doebel, the Elks Leading Knight. The installation will be Saturday, March 26th at 5:00 pm. Social at 4:00 pm. Dinner after the ceremony, cost $20.00 per person. This is open to family and friends.

Columns News

50 Year Member Honored

District Leader Emeritus, Dale Colson was honored as a 50 year member of Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652, at a ceremony by District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler, Randall Logan. Dale joined the Eureka Elks Lodge in November, 1971 and served as Exalted Ruler in 1976-1977. He was State Vice President in 1980 and appointed District Deputy Exalted Ruler of the Great Northwest in
1986-1987. In 1988 he was appointed District Leader, where he served in that position until 2002. In 2003 he earned the honor of District Leader Emeritus. He was State Ritual Contest and Training Chairman and Ritual judge for 35 years. He is accomplished musician and was the lodge Organist for many years, retiring in 2019. Pictured from left to right: District Deputy, Randall Logan; Honoree, Dale Colson and Lodge Exalter Ruler, Scott Reinsmith.

Columns News

DDGER Visits Elks #652

Randall S. Logan, District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler of the “Great Northwest District” visited Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 and conveyed the Message of T. Keith Mills, the Grand Exalted Ruler. Members heard Logan praise the lodge members and officers for their excellent involvement in the community, serving children and veterans. He stated “Lodges like Eureka with your 1400 members are shining examples of what the order of Elks stands for. Elks investing in their community through programs that help children grow up healthy and drug free, meet the needs of today’s veterans and improve the quality of life”. Logan serves eight Elks Lodges , from Vacaville to Crescent City. Pictured from left to right; District Deputy, Randall Logan and Lodge Exalted Ruler, Scott Reinsmith.

Columns News

January Historical Events

BPOE Historical January Events

The creation of the Grand Lodge was approved by membership in
January of 1871. Charter Number 1 was issued to New York and
Charter Number 2 was issued to Philadelphia. The incorporation of
Grand Lodge was enacted by the State of New York in March of the
same year. Grand Lodge requirement was to be a PER, Past Exalted

The Life Magazine edition of January 15, 1941 publishes the Elks
presentation of The Uncle Sam Poster to President Franklin D.

The Elks National Defense and Public Relations Commission becomes
the Elks War Commission on 4 January 1942.

Elks membership in 1871 was 243 and Elks membership in 1968
during the Elks Centennial was 1,452,187.

Most notable historical events are attributed to the Grand Lodge
year in which they occur and there have been millions of events.
The Millionth Elk was Raymond Cole of Bay City, Michigan, Lodge
No. 89.

Greg Rill

Columns News

National Veterans Remembrance Month

The Civil War ended with the Ceasefire Agreement by General Robert E. Lee on 9 April 1865, concluded with Ceasefire Agreement of the Shenandoah on 6 November 1865 and was formally declared over by President Andrew Johnson on 20 August 1866. The United States at that time was rebuilding and working to bury the strife and bloodshed that had so divided the country.

Two years later an event occurred which has helped shape and support the United States of America. On 16 February 1868 a group of people laid the foundation for The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.

Since that event and through numerous wars and conflicts Elks have made contributions to support veterans, their families, and their children. Words alone cannot describe the support Elks have for veterans. Such is a testament of the honor of the B.P.O.E.

Grand Exalted Ruler Francis M. Smith in 1972-73 issued a proclamation naming November as Elks Veterans Remembrance Month. The Elk tradition recognizes veterans for their service and common pledge: “to support and defend this country.”

Members are encouraged to participate in Elk activities and if interested, in Elk Veterans activities.

Greg Rill, Past Elk of the Year

Columns News

November 2021 Herd Talk

Download the November Herd Talk. Note: the Elks lodge is a members-only organization.

Columns Events News

2nd Annual Car Show

Eureka Elks Lodge No.652 & local Veteran’s held its second annual car show on Saturday, September 25th. Over 50 vintage cars, trucks and motorcycles were on display. Cost was $20.00 per vehicle. All proceeds go to assist local veterans with meals, groceries, transportation and personal needs. Also, they go to help those veterans that are shut-ins.

Columns News

AVP Honored

Association Vice President of the California-Hawaii Elks Association Dennis Hunter, representing the “Greater Northwest District” was honored with a welcome home dinner, with 190 members and guest in attendance. As Association Vice President he visits Crescent City, Ukiah, Lakeport, Napa, Vacaville, Petaluma, San Rafael and his home lodge, Eureka. The purpose of the visits of the 338 miles is to spread the work the Elks do for our communities, children, seniors and veterans. The theme of CHEA President, Jay Larkins this year is ” The Future of Elkdom Begins with You”. Pictured: (l to r) Elks Exalted Ruler, Scott Reinsmith and his lady, Claudia; Karen Hunter, wife of AVP and Honoree, Dennis Hunter.

Columns Events News

Elks Host CHEA President

Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 hosted a visit for Jay Larkins, President of the California-Hawaii Elks Association. He was accompanies by Exalted Rulers (ER) of Elks Lodges from the Greater Northwest District. His visit was to spread the excellent work that the Elks are doing in our communities for children. seniors and veterans. The theme was “The Future of Elkdom Begins with You!”. Pictured from left to right front row: ER, Bill Sollows, Napa; ER, Leigha From, San Rafael; Vice President, Northwest District,
Dennis Hunter; Association President, Jay Larkins; Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler, Randy Logan and ER, Scott Reinsmith, Eureka. Back row: ER, Randy Butcher, Crescent City; ER Jenna Shepherd, Ukiah and ER, Jeff Poteet, Petaluma.

Columns Events News

Elks #652 Honors Veterans

Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 honored Dr. Thomas Mays and Cameron Renner as Veterans of the Year. Dr. Mays is a professor of history at HSU. He served for 26 years in the armed forces. Cameron Renner served in the Marine Corp and served in the First wave of Operation Enduring Freedom in Iraq President of the California- Hawaii Elks Association, Jay Larkin presented the awards and thanked both veterans for ” courageously protecting our liberty and independence. Your honorable service is greatly appreciated. As long as there are veterans, Elks will never forget them”. Pictured from left to right: Association Vice President of the Northwest District, Dennis Hunter; Honorary, Cameron Renner; Honorary, Dr. Thomas Mays; Association President, Jay Larkins and Exalted Ruler, Scott Reinsmith.