Columns News

Veterans’ Corner – June 2019

Reminder to all: Eureka Elks Lodge Veterans Committee has partnered with the Eureka VA Clinic again this year to bring you our 3rd Annual Car and Motorcycle Show with guest Judge Joe Paschall. This event will be held June 27, 2019 from 11-3 pm. Come check out our awesome Veteran cars and motorcycles and have some ice cream or popcorn on us. We hope to see you all there.

The Collings Foundation’s “Wings of Freedom Tour 2019” will be at the Arcata Airport on Mon., June 10th from 1-5 pm, Tues., June 11th 9 am – 5 pm, Wed., June 12th 9 am – 12 pm. The “Wings of Freedom Tour 2019” brings in WWII aircraft such as the B-17 Flying Fortress, B-24 Liberator, B-25 Mitchell, P-51 Mustang, and the P-40 Warhawk. Viewing the planes and historic exhibits is free. Walking through these planes is free to WWII veterans, $15.00 for adults, and $5.00 for children 12 and younger. Flights on these planes are also available and the cost is tax-deductible. This event is supported by Humboldt Board of Supervisors and Airport Director. Bill Tuttle. USMC support group will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, and drinks for this event on Tues., June 11th. We look forward to seeing you there.

Casey Stephens, US Army, Retired
Veterans’ Committee Chairman

Columns News

Trustee’s Corner – June 2019

Greetings! Thanks to Ron Porter for stepping up and doing the needed power washing and painting in the lower parking lot. It looks good, Ron, and it is appreciated very much!

Thanks to the members, some of which are Lodge RV Roamers, for the lawn mowing and weed-eating around the lodge. Every hour counts! Thank you for your time and effort.

As soon as the weather improves, we will have more projects to complete along with another scheduled work day or two before the Jamboree in August.

When you pass thru the RV park please notice the freshly restored picnic tables. Three have been completed so far. This was work by several lodge members of the Redwood Roamers RV Group. Thank you for stepping up. Another job well done!

We will hear more of this phrase “Stepping Up” in the weeks and months to come.

The school year is coming to an end and summer will be upon us. This makes for more vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrians all in a hurry to go somewhere. We need to be more aware as we travel. Be prepared for the unexpected.

Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns Events News

2019 Mother of the Year Award

Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 held its annual “Mother of the Year Award” on May 12, Mother’s day. This year’s recipient was Karen Hunter. Karen was born and raised in Fortuna. She is not only active in the Elks Lodge as a volunteer but active in the community with Easter Seals and Soroptomist of Humboldt Bay. She gives her all whenever she is asked for help, whether in the lodge or in the community. She is mother of four, a grandmother of eight and a great grandmother of three and one on the way. Pictured from left to right, front row; Her Brother, Ken Hughes; Husband, Dennis Hunter; recipient, Karen Hunter; Lodge Exalted Ruler, Gwen Carroll and Karen’s mother, Janice Hughes. Back row: Daughter in Law, Meadow Bell; Son Alex Johnson; Grandson Dylan Evenson and Daughter, Yvonne Evenson.

Columns News

Exalted Ruler’s Column

What a successful month we’ve had to kick off our new year at the Lodge! Both the Board of Trustees and House Committee have
been working hard to make this year even more enjoyable for our members. I thank each Trustee and House Committee member for
your dedication to the lodge!

As of this writing, your chair officers are putting in some grueling practices to get ready to represent the Lodge in the Ritual Contest held in Ukiah the first weekend of this month. We’ll be competing against eight other lodges in the District. We’ll announce the outcome of this contest at our second meeting next month on Wednesday, May 15th. Regardless of the outcome, my thanks to all our chair officers along with coaches Sherie and Kurt Bialous for all your hard work. We’re all coming home winners – ready to impress our new members in upcoming initiations.

We have another busy month ahead at the Lodge, and I encourage you to come on out and enjoy yourselves. Highlights of our May events are featured throughout this issue of Herd Talk. Don’t forget. This is YOUR lodge. I would appreciate any suggestions you may have. Either contact me in person or drop your suggestions in the Exalted Ruler’s suggestion box in the hallway.

Remember our theme for 2019-20: “Deeds. Not words!”
Gwen Carroll, Exalted Ruler

Columns News

Leading Knight’s Corner

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve as the Major Project Piggy Bank chairperson for the
fiscal year.

I will be attending the State Convention in Fresno this month and, upon returning, plans for different fund raisers will begin that will enable our lodge to support the State Committee in assisting children with special needs.

Any suggestions for what type of fundraising anyone would like to see take place, please contact me and let’s all support our Exalted Ruler’s motto: "Deeds. Not Words."

Kathy Payne, Leading Knight

Columns News

Loyal Knight’s Corner

Well May is here and it’s time to head down to the Ritual Competition at the Ukiah Lodge. We will be competing against eight other Lodges in our district. We will try our best to represent our lodge and maybe bring back some medals.
As I mentioned at our last Lodge meeting, we will be having a Golf Tournament for the E.N.F. in September (tentatively the 21st).

I am looking for local businesses to help sponsor the event by donating $100 to sponsor a hole. I already have a couple of donations and will be sponsoring a hole myself. Anyone interested in playing in the tournament, being a sponsor or just helping out with ideas and suggestions please give me a call at 498-1895. If you are not interested in golf but would like to donate to the Elks National Foundation, that’s fine, too.

Mother’s Day is coming right up on May 12th so don’t forget to bring out your favorite ladies, mothers, wives and daughters for a wonderful free breakfast for them and Mimosas served by yours truly. Hope to see you all there.

Scott Reinsmith, Loyal Knight/ENF Chair

Columns News

Trustees Corner

The new Elks year is in full throttle forward. April came and went in a flash. On Friday and Saturday, April 5th and 6th, we held an outdoor work party—rain or shine—and it did both. Many thanks to the members, including the Redwood Roamers and Boy Scouts Troop 54. Over 90 hours was performed to beautify our lodge.

The Lodge is in need of volunteers to mow the lawn on a regular basis. Every little bit counts. Your newest Trustee, Pierre Carbonneau, has stepped forward to volunteer as our lodge’s safety officer. Thank you, Pierre.

We have a new surface drain in the barbeque area. It seems to be working great with no more big puddles. Thanks to all the volunteers who make this Lodge shine!

Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns News

For Our Veterans

The Veterans Committee is looking for all Korean War Veterans. If you are a Korean War Veteran or know of a Korean War Veteran (who is not deceased) that served between the dates of June 25, 1950—July 27, 1953, please provide the Eureka Veterans Committee with your information. You can obtain an information card from the Eureka Elks Lodge at 445 Herrick
Ave., Eureka, CA 95503 or at the Eureka VA Clinic at 930 W. Harris Street, Eureka, CA 95501 or you can have one mailed to you by calling the Eureka VA Clinic Member Services Rep Kelly Stephens.

This year’s Veterans Committee and Eureka VA Car Show will be held on Thursday, June 27th from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Registration forms are available at the VA Clinic at the front desk or in the bar at the Eureka Elks Lodge. Awards will be given out at 3:30 pm that day. If you have any questions regarding this car show, please call Kelly Stephens. If you would like to join the Eureka Elks Lodge #652 Veterans Committee, please contact our Veterans Committee

Chairman, Casey Stephens
Casey Stephens, US Army, Retired
Veterans’ Committee Chairman

Columns Events News

Peace Officers Appreciation Dinner

Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 held its annual "Peace Officers Appreciation Dinner" on April 11th. 250 officers and family members attended the event. The officers that are selected for the award are recommended by their department leaders. The award is presented to an officer from each department in the county. Pictured seated from left to right: Peace Officers, Rina Kondo, Robert Marinez, Jeffery Williams, Amber Cosetti. Back row: Elks Event Chairperson, Sherie Bialous, Peace Officers Scott Goodner, Nick Carnahart, Emily Mendes, Matthew Tomlin, Greg Musson and Elks Exalted Ruler, Gwen Carroll.

Columns Events News

109th Installation of Officers

Eureka Elk’s Lodge NO. 652 held its 109th annual installation of officers on March 30th. The lodge was chartered in 1910 and first met in old town, current location of Oberon Restaurant. In the early 1920’s it moved to the corner on 5th and H Streets, current location of Umpqua Bank. It moved to its current location, 445 Herrick Avenue, in the 1970’s. It is one of the most active lodges in California with over 1400 members. The lodge is supported by its many volunteers, who work not only in the lodge but on the many charities the lodge supports in our community. Pictured left to right, front row: Treasurer, Gary Payne; Loyal Knight, Scott Reinsmith; Leading Knight, Kathy Payne; Exalted Ruler, Gwen Carroll; Lecturing Knight, James Kloss; Secretary, Ernie Nunes and Trustee, Pierre Carbonneau. Back row; Inner Guard, Ward Mengel; Esquire, Bard Smith; Chaplain, Eddie Morgan and Trustee’s Kevin Christie, Marta Martinez and Terry Long. Not pictured; Tiler, Dennis Doty and Trustee Robert Gish.