Columns News

Board of Trustees – March 2020

Greetings, Members.

Thank you to all of the Members who have stepped up and volunteered extra time from their busy lives and schedules to help out wherever needed, whether it be in the kitchen, dining room, Herd Talk, yard and landscaping, and general maintenance. Your efforts are very noticed, and your time is highly appreciated. A special thanks to the Members who helped cook, clean and serve crab for the two big events this year.

The annual budget process is underway for 2020/2021. The Board of Trustees, House Committee, and Officers have been working on this, and work will continue until presentation of the budget to the Membership in the near future. This will occur no later than the first meeting in April for presentation, and then final approval by the second meeting in April on the Lodge floor.

The RV Park reinforced concrete pad project – the Board of Trustees and the RV Advisory Committee have held on-site presentations with prospective, interested contractors, and have received quotes for this project. Sealed bids were received from nine bidders. All sealed bids were opened at the Trustees Meeting on February 18, 2020. A bid was accepted for construction of a selected number of RV pads and sizes. The bid was $69,500.00, which was accepted by the Board of Trustees and recommended for approval by the membership, was announced on the Lodge Floor Wednesday, February 19, 2020. Unanimous approval for acceptance was received from the Lodge Floor to accept the bid of RAO Construction. This completed the first phase of the approval process.

Special thanks to RV Advisory Committee, Howard Ritter, Board of Trustees, Trustee Pierre Carbonneau, Loyal Knight Scott Reinsmith, along with several other members of The Redwood Roamers for their work on the first phase of this project. The second phase is submitting this information and an application to Grand Lodge, which is in the process. There may be a final vote on this project on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 on the Lodge Floor.

The project will be proceeding, with more information to come back to the Lodge the first meeting of March.

The final draft of the RV Park manual has been posted on the bulletin board for review. Any questions, comments or concerns shall be addressed to the Board of Trustees no later than Tuesday, March 2, 2020. This was announced on the Lodge Floor on February 19, 2020.

A very special Thank You from the Board of Trustees to Bob Gish, outgoing Trustee. Your diligent service to the Lodge in the affairs of your position, and your dedication to the Members of Elkdom for the past two years is greatly appreciated.

Congratulations to our incoming five years Trustee, Gary Payne. Gary is a returning Trustee to the Board from previous years of service.

Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns News

Exalted Ruler’s Column – February 2020

This month we will find out what the groundhog has in store for us: a short winter or a longer winter. We will host our Boy Scout Troop 54 for their Crab and Spaghetti Feed on February 1st so if you didn’t make it to the Weekend in the Redwoods crab feed or even if you did, come on out and support our Boy Scouts!

The first meeting this month will start at 7:00 pm and the meeting will be run by our very own P.E.R.s taking over for the current officers and you will be introduced to the officers for 2020-2021.

On February 8th, we will have a Surf and Turf dinner as a benefit for our sister lodge Crescent City as they have been subject of some unforeseen circumstances. Eureka Elk Lodge was Crescent City Elk’s sponsor into Elkdom and as the “momma” we need to step in and help them in their time of need. The cost of this dinner will be $25/person. We will have a band for dancing after the fantastic meal. If you can’t make it, please consider making a donation. Donations can be made at the clerks office, Monday thru Friday 9 am—4 pm.

Valentine’s Day falls on Friday this year and the House Committee decided to offer Cook Your Own Steak that night. There may be some twists to that evening so come on out and check it out. I’ve heard that linens may be on the tables and an opportunity drawing may be on the docket.

If you’re into a wild time, then you don’t want to miss the Wild Game Dinner on February 22. Look for more information in this edition of the Herd Talk.

The “Volunteer Dinner” is scheduled for February 29. Come on out and see who will be honored. It will be a Cook Your Own Steak night.Next month, Emblem Installation will be on March 1st.

Our Elk year is winding down with just one more month left. The slate of officers for next year have been practicing for Ritual. Let’s wish them well as they practice two nights a week.
Gwen Carrol, Exalted Ruler
Deeds Not Words

Elks #652 Meetings will now be held at 7:00 pm the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
each month. Please join us if you can! 50493 We hope this earlier time is more
convenient for members to attend the meetings.

Columns News

Trustees – February 2020

Greetings, Members.

The Holiday Season and New Year beginning has passed. We would like to thank all our member volunteers for stepping up and filling in around the Lodge. From Christmas decorating to the New Year’s Eve event, it was an overnight transformation. Thank you, ER Gwen Carroll and crew, for an awesome event and meal. The next few months we will continue to be busy at the Lodge. All of the Officers new and old will be working on Ritual practice, along with the Trustees and the House Committee, and various committee chairpersons working on preparation of the 2020/2021 budget, along with their normal duties and activities which will include upcoming discussions on alternative power for the Lodge, and other capital improvement projects. As our winter weather becomes more hazardous, please take that extra caution while driving. With wet and slippery roads, be prepared for the unexpected in your travels.

Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns News

Redwood Roamers – February 2020

The Roamers had their first meeting on Wednesday, January 8 at the Elk Lodge at 4:30 p.m. We had a report from Howard Ritter on the progress of concrete pads for the Elks RV Park. Bids for the project must be submitted by February 14th with a completion date for the project on March 27, 2020.
The major part of our meeting was brainstorming ideas on where we wanted to roam in 2020. Roamers suggested 18 outings. Each Roamer was given five dots to place where they wanted to travel. The top eight were McCloud, Vacaville, Fort Bragg, Klamath, Lewiston, Jacksonville, OR, Florence, OR and Benbow for our Thanksgiving celebration. At our February 5th meeting will be reviewing the 18 suggested outings and finding volunteers to act as Trailblazers and Greasers to plan the outings.

Happy Trails and Happy New Year!
Dale A. Stockly, Wagon Master

Columns Events News

Super Bowl Party

I will be having another E.N.F. Super Bowl party this year on February 2nd. Come out and support your team and the Lodge. We will be having a
50/50 raffle, prize basket, food, drinks and fun!
Scott Reinsmith,
Loyal Knight and ENF Chairman

Columns News

Exalted Ruler’s Column – January 2020

Welcome 2020!!!

Starting with serious business, the January 1st Lodge Meeting has been canceled . I really didn’t think anyone would want to go to a meeting on that day, so our one and only meeting in January will be on January 15th and it will be Initiation night.

January also brings our annual Weekend in the Redwoods, January 17, 18 (my birthday weekend, just in case you wanted to get me a present, kidding!!), and 19. The weekend starts off with Friday night “Cook Your Own Steak”, followed by Saturday’s CRAB feed and then to finish off the weekend, Sunday morning breakfast. Shuttle service in the Eureka area is available again this year. This weekend remains at $100.00 per person!!! You can’t beat that.

We had our first Hoop Shoot on December 8 with a young lady, Ilya Kelly taking the honors. A special note needs to be made, Ilya’s mom, Julie Kelly, was a Hoop Shooter that made it all the way to Nationals!!! This young hoopster along with her family, especially her Grandpa, Jack Harris and Grandma Lou will be traveling to Ukiah on January 4th for the District Hoop Shoot Competition. If you can make it, please go and cheer our lodge’s representative on!

Come on out and enjoy your lodge this month!

Gwen Carrol, Exalted Ruler

Columns News

Leading Knight – January 2020

Hello All!

Hope you all had a great holiday. Let’s have some fun! I need two people to step up and volunteer to be Officers for 2020-2021. I’m looking for an Inner Guard and Lecturing Knight to continue the success of our Lodge. Call me at 834-6612 for further information.

Thank you for supporting my Ember’s Style Chicken Fried Steak fundraiser for the Purple Pig. Our Annual Purple Pig Dinner will be Sunday, February 9th, 2020. We will be serving Old Fashion Pork Pot Roast. Bring in your pigs!

I hope this year is good for you.
Kathy Payne, Leading Knight

Columns News

Loyal Knight – January 2020

Well the busy holiday season is over and a new year is upon us.

I want to thank all the volunteers and staff for all the hard work they have done with all the functions we have had lately. I would like to remind all Elks and their guests to please bus your own tables and bar drinks. This is a lot of extra time and work for the volunteers that they shouldn’t have to do.

I will be having another E.N.F. Super Bowl party this year on Sunday, February 2nd. Come out and support your team and the Lodge. We will be having a 50/50 raffle, prize basket, food, drinks and fun!

Soon our officers will start practicing for the Ritual Contest in Ukiah. There is still a spot in the line-up if anyone is interested.

Scott Reinsmith,
Loyal Knight and ENF Chairman

Columns News

Trustees – January 2020

Happy New Year to all our Members and Family! Hopefully, everyone had a great holiday season wherever you may have been.

It doesn’t look like we are slowing down, as we are starting this year at full throttle ahead. Our annual Weekend in the Redwoods event is scheduled for January 17th, 18th and 19th: Cook Your Own Steak Friday, Crab Feed Saturday, and Breakfast Sunday.

I am seeing new faces around the Lodge volunteering wherever they feel comfortable. Thank you very much! Again, this is, “Your Lodge,” and your assistance is greatly appreciated.

The Trustees of the Lodge are still working on completing a list of contractors interested in bidding on upcoming construction projects at the Lodge. If you are interested, or know of any licensed contractors who are, please forward names and contact information to the Lodge, ATTN: Board of Trustees.

Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns News

Secretary’s Corner – January 2020

I hope everyone had a merry Christmas and is looking forward to a great new year.

A reminder: dues statements will be coming soon. Let us know of any changes: names, addresses, etc.

There was no initiation in December, so there are no new member names to report. Did you know that any Elk in good-standing is eligible to invite new members to join? We will initiate our newest members at the January 15 meeting. If you haven’t seen this ritual in a while, it’s always a nice meeting to attend and welcome our incoming members!

Ernie Nunes, PER, Lodge Secretary