Trustee’s Corner – May 2018

Happy May to all members,

The transition from past to present has been smooth sailing. I would like to introduce and welcome new Trustee’s members Bob Gish and Terry "Terrance" Long to the Board.

At the Lodge meeting on April 18th, we voted on the proposed budget for 2018/2019 which passed. The Trustees are asking for volunteers to do lawn mowing and weed eating around the lodge grounds in hope’s to put a crew of 4-6 or more persons to do the lawns on a regular basis at least until Fall. Anyone interested please contact myself Kevin Christie 707-498-7312, E.R. Dennis Hunter or Nina at the Lodge. Looking forward to another Great Year.

The Lodge is planning a Work Day in June/July around the Lodge, Date to be announced later in the June Herd Talk. Enjoy the warmer days in May.

Thank you.
Kevin Christie
Trustee Chairman

Veterans’ Committee – May 2018

Greetings, my name is Casey Stephens and I am happy to be the Chair for the Eureka Elks #652 Veterans Committee this year. I served in the US Army from 2005-2009 when I was medically re-tired after an unforeseen combat injury in Iraq in 2009.

We have lots of plans for our Veterans Committee this year. To start, we have been working with the Eureka VA Clinic to be part of the 2nd Annual Car and Motorcycle Show. The Veterans Committee is happy to report that we will be participating in this event scheduled for June 28th, 2018 from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you are a Veteran and would like to be part of this car and motorcycle show please pick up an application at the Lodge. If you know any Veteran that would also be interested and that is not an Elk, what a fantastic opportunity to invite them to the event. The afternoon will be full of fun cars and motorcycles, Vet-eran Services, popcorn and ice cream. Also, this year the Veterans Committee has volunteered to put on and host a dinner for our Veterans (plus one guest) that same evening starting at 5:30. If anyone is interested in being part of the Veterans Committee, all are welcome at our Veterans Committee meetings on the first and third Wednesday of the month from 6:30-7:05 p.m. Our committee looks forward to serving the community and our Veterans this year.

Peace Officers Appreciation Night

Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 honored sixteen outstanding peace officers at its 44th annual “Peace Officers Appreciation Night” on April 12th. Law enforcement officers, lodge members, family and friends from the community attended. Each of the nominees are outstanding, having the respect and support of the community for their involvement in making our community safe and drug free.

  • Pictured from left to right, front row: Martin Morris, County DA Office Investigator; Josh Phinney, Arcata PD; Alan Aubuchon, County Drug Task Force Special Agent; Lucas Berger, Marshal’s Service Deputy; Nicholas Jones, County Probation Dept. Adult Division; Dustin Nantz, Eureka PD; Sherie Bialous, Elks Past Exalted Ruler and Marta Martinez, Elks Trustee.
  • Back Row: Gwen Carroll, Elks leading Knight; William Adams, CHP Officer, Humboldt; Scott Goodner, County Probation Dept. Supervising Juvenile Deputy; Jesse Graney, County Probation Dept. Juvenile Probation; Richard Fowler, CHP Officer, Garberville; Louis Altic, HSU Officer; Jeff Rosdahl, Welfare Fraud; Paul Savona, California Dept. of Forestry and Dennis Hunter, Elks Exalted Ruler. Not pictured: Evan Beechel, Fortuna PD; Timothy Hammer, County Supervising Correction Deputy and Charles Lamb, County Sheriff’s Deputy.

This is just one of the many philanthropic projects the Elks contribute to the community.

Exalted Ruler’s Column – April 2018

Planning is well under way for the next year at Eureka Elks Lodge #652! Thank you for the opportunity you have given me to lead the lodge in 2018-2019. It is a most humbling experience to become an Exalted Ruler and I promise to fulfill your trust in me to the best of my ability. The theme for this next year is: "Together, We’re Elks."It takes all of us pulling together in the same direction to make our lodge enjoyable for our members, their families and friends.

Thank you to my fellow chair officers who have stepped up to the plate to serve you: Gwen Carroll, Esteemed Leading Knight; Kathy Payne, Esteemed Loyal Knight; Scott Reinsmith, Esteemed Lecturing Knight; Jim Kloss, Lodge Es-quire; Casey Stephens, Lodge Chaplain; Eddie Morgan, Lodge Inner Guard; Dennis Doty, Lodge Tiler; and Dale Colson, Lodge Organist. Of course, my spe-cial thanks go to Ernie Nunes, Lodge Secretary; Gary Payne, Lodge Treasurer; and Nina Strang, Lodge Clerk. I’m looking forward to working with Nina, who is also the new President of the Emblems Club. Welcome to Terry Long and Bob Gish as they join Mark Householter, Marta Martinez and Kevin Christie on our Board of Trustees.

My heart-felt thanks go out to Sherie and Kurt Bialous, PERs and our Lodge Ritual Team’s coaches. With their guidance and encouragement, your Ritual Team will be competing in the District’s competition in Ukiah at the end of this month and we have a chance to bring home the gold!

We all owe a great big thank you to all our volunteers, because they are the back-bone of the Lodge. Without our volunteer bartenders, volunteer kitchen crews, servers, cashiers, ticket-takers and tilers, this Lodge could not function. When you’re at the Lodge, please take the time to thank these hard-working volunteers. Of course, you can also volunteer. We need you!

Please enjoy your Lodge. The Exalted Ruler’s suggestion box will continue to be placed in the hallway and I would appreciate any suggestions you may have to make this Lodge even better!

Finally, a very special thank you to my wife, Karen, who will be by my side as we progress through the year. Thanks again for the opportunity to serve you!

Dennis Hunter, Exalted Ruler

Message from the Secretary – April 2018

Welcome to new members Chase Blackman, Glenn Brooks, William Warwick, Alexa Taylor, Kaylee Townsend, Wendy Smith, Glen Stromstad, John Presley, Eric Schatz, Joyce Hill, Carrie Norris, Brad Fite, Miguel Garcia, please make them feel at home.

Don’t forget Big 4 Dinner and Auction on April 14th — get your tickets now.

If you have pre-paid your Membership Dues for 2018-19, your cards are in the process of being mailed to you over the next week. If we have missed any stickers on your card, please come see me or Nina in the front office and one of us will take care of it for you.

Ernie Nunes, PER, Secretary

Redwood Roamers – April 2018

The Roamers held their monthly meeting on March 7th and topics for discussion were the up-coming outings for 2018. The first outing will be to Fort Bragg, May 3rd -6th. The second outing will be to Lewiston Old Bridge RV Park, May 31st-June 3rd. Our third outing will be to Reedsport, Oregon. June 15th-18th. We have other outings scheduled to McCloud RV Park in mid July, Gold Beach, Oregon in August and Florence, Oregon in August. We are looking forward to Apple Hill in September and Benbow RV Park in November. We are all excited to get going. If you are interested in joining the Roamers or any of the outings, our next meeting, will be April 4th, at 4:30 in the Lodge. Please feel free to attend.

Meet You 2018 Officers

Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 held it 117th annual Installation of officers on March 24th. The lodge was founding in 1901 and first met in old town. In the 1920’s it moved to the corner of H and 5th Streets and in the mid 1970’s moved to its current location on Herrick Ave. The lodge is one of the most active lodge’s in California with over 1400 members. It is not only active with local charities but the lodge is used for many community events.

Pictured from left to right, front row: Secretary, Ernie Nunes; Lecturing Knight, Scott Riensmith; Leading Knight, Gwen Carroll; Exalted Ruler, Dennis Hunter; Loyal Knight, Kathy Payne; Treasurer, Gary Payne and Organist, Dale Colson. Back row: Tiler, Dennis Doty; Inner Guard, Eddie Morgan; Chaplain, Casey Stephens; Esquire, Jim Kloss and Trustees, Marta Martinez, Terry Long, Mark Householter and Bob Gish; not pictured, Kevin Christie.

Officer Installation

Dennis Hunter (pictured) will be installed as Exalted Ruler of Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 on Saturday March 24th. Dennis is a long time resident of Eureka and has served on many boards and committees in the county. Some of the organizations that he has worked with are Keet-TV, City of Eureka Financial Advisory, Reading Services of the Redwoods, Ingomar Club Board of Director, Commissioner of Humboldt Bay Harbor, Executive Board Easter Seals of Northern California, American Cancer Society, Eureka Rotary Club, Eureka Chamber of Commerce, Redwood Region Economic Development Commission, Humboldt County Convention and Visitors Bureau and Humboldt Masonic Lodge No. 79. Installation will be at 5:00pm with social and a Roasted New York Strip dinner to follow. Cost $20.00 per person. For your reservation contact the lodge 442-6652 no later than Monday March 19th.

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Recap

Eureka Elks Lodge held its annual Awards Dinner for Volunteer of the Year, Elk of the Year and Officer of the Year on March 10th. The majority of the work at the lodge is accomplished by members volunteering their time and talents. It is very hard to choose those members for the award, out of the many who volunteer. This year was no different. The Exalted Ruler, Jennifer Cory, thanked the 150 volunteers who attended the dinner for all their hard work.

The volunteer of the year did not go to a single member but to a couple, Dan and Angie Jenkinson, for the many hours they put in working in the kitchen. Pictured from left to right: Gwen Morris, accepted the Award for Elk of the Year, Vicki Matthews (not pictured); Volunteers of the year, Dan & Angie Jenkinson; Officer of the year, Chaplain, Jim Kloss and Jennifer Cory, Exalted Ruler.

Exalted Ruler’s Column – March 2018

Greetings all! It is with mixed emotions that I write my final Herd Talk article as Exalted Ruler. This year has been an amazing journey and I am so thankful for all the wonderful people that I encountered along the way. There are so many individuals within our lodge that supported me and guided me through this last year. I am forever grateful for all the memories, Good Times, smiles, and laughter.

Please remember to sign up for the volunteer dinner on March 10th. This is a fabulous opportunity to be recognized for all the hard work that you have done within our lodge. Even if you haven’t volunteered you can come out and show your support to those that do. Another one of my final events is the children’s Easter party also on March 10th. I’m looking forward to both of these events. I spent 7 years going through all the officer chairs and now I get to look forward to being a Past Exalted Ruler and enjoying continue camaraderie with all of you! Thank you all again for a fulfilling and blest year!

Jennifer Cory, Exalted Ruler