Columns News

Trustee’s Corner – February 2019

Hello to the membership,

It’s starting to feel a bit like Spring! We’re planning an outdoor Lodge work party for April (a date will be scheduled and posted next month).

  • The new convection ovens are in use by the cooking crews with thumbs up.
  • The new phone system is installed and plans for the voice mail boxes to be set up is being planning by
    the house committee.
  • The new steam table is scheduled to arrive the first week of February.

Last but not least the 1st of game of the Jenga Challenge between the Redwood Roamers and the Lodge Trustees & Officers was held Wednesday, January 23rd after Taco Tuesday with an awesome group in attendance cheering and lending support to players with Team Elks securing a win. Game 2 set for Wednesday January 30. Follow the game! To date $210 was raised for the Veterans and Boy Scout accounts.

Thank You all for your support; FUN WAS HAD BY ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Respectfully and Fraternally,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns News

Trustee’s Corner – January 2018

Your Board has been very busy through December and we’re off to full work-out in January! We had a new automated phone system installed to relieve some of the phone call work load on office staff and the bartenders. There will be more information forthcoming on this phone system for all the members as soon as installation and training is complete.

Two new convection ovens were purchased and if they are not already installed, they will be soon and the ovens they replaced will be surplussed at a set price yet to be determined.

In December the Trustees, Exalted Ruler, Audit Committee Chairman Brad Smith, Secretary, Treasurer, Royal Night Kathy Payne, and Bookkeeper Maggie Stimson reviewed the financials for the first six months of this year. All were in agreement (other than some minor adjustments) that the financial status of the lodge was in good standing. The next review will be turned in soon and the Board will begin working on next
year’s 2019/2020 Budget in February.

Spring will be here in no time and the Board is continuing to seek lawn mowing and weed-eating HELP beginning in February. Please contact me or the office if you have a few extra hours to help keep YOUR LODGE in shape.

The Board of Trustees meets every month on the first and third Tuesdays at 6 pm. Any member in good standing may attend. If you desire to address the board on a lodge matter, please contact Nina in the office so it can be assigned to the appropriate committee for placement on the agenda.

We are seeking help for crab cooking and serving for Weekend in the Redwoods, later in the month, and also possibly March. Please contact me directly (number in paper newsletter).

Respectfully and Fraternally,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees


Trustees Corner – September 2018

Your Trustees have been very busy this last month with our DDGER Visitation which includes Lodge Safety inspections and Audits with Sandy Gowan’s staff. We have repaired and completed the west side of the lodge entrance off Herrick Avenue. Thank you to Wendy Brown who painted the Patriotic address painted on the east side entrance curb. Many, many thanks to the Lodge’s Redwood Roamers RV group that spruced up the outdoor yard/lawn area. Looks great!

Summer is rapidly coming to an end and schools are beginning to start up. Please be extra mindful when driving in and around our school areas. If you have any concerns, questions or safety issues at the lodge, please contact our Exalted Ruler, Dennis Hunter, or myself, or write your concerns and place that in the ER Suggestion Box located in the hall next to the office.

Columns News

July 2018 – Message from the Trustees

Hello Members,

Summer is in full swing, Lodge improvements are ongoing and help is always appreciated. Volunteerism is what makes our lodge-Your Lodge- stand out above all. So if you find yourself with a little extra time on your schedule, please come volunteer: kitchen prep, dining room, lawns and flower beds are only a few of the many opportunities.

School is out, children are at play, vacations and summer activities are planned. Allow extra time in travel and be safe.

Thank you Anne Poole, Nina Strang, Donna Jordan, and Terry Long for your work on the lawns and RV lot. Another Lodge “Work Day” will be scheduled in Sept./ Oct. Date to be assigned later.

Soon you will see some new child High Chairs in the dining room for your families to use.

Your Trustee Board meets the Tuesday prior to the 1st and 3rd Lodge Meetings of each month at 6:00 pm unless otherwise noted. They are open to all members to attend. Please have an enjoyable and great Summer.

Kevin Christie, Board of Trustee Chairman

Columns News

Trustees Corner – March 2018

The Trustees have been working on the budget for next fiscal year, which begins April 1, 2018. The budget will be posted on the lodge bulletin board for your review.

March is a very busy month at the lodge. Kevin and crew will be in the kitchen for the Wild Game Feed on Sunday, March 4th. The Children’s Easter Party, which is a little early this year, will be on March 10th begin-ning at 10 AM. The Easter bunny has promised to visit and there will be fun, games and treats. The Volunteer Appreciation dinner is also on March 10th with cocktails at 5 and dinner, which I believe is CYOS, at 6 PM. I, and other lodge officers, will be working in the kitchen so our volunteers can relax and enjoy dinner. We often forget to let volunteer know how much we appreciate their service to the lodge. Please remember to say “Thank You For Your Service” next time you encounter a volunteer. Remember, we would not exist without our volunteers.

The Installation of Officers will occur on Saturday, March 24th. Please show your support for our incoming Exalted Ruler Dennis Hunter and his officers by attending this event. My term as Chairman of the Board of Trustees ends on March 31, 2018. I would like to thank all of those who offered advice and guidance during my term.

Fraternally yours,
Mark Householter, Chairman, Board of Trustees