Columns News

Trustees – July 2020

As you are reading this in the July, 2020 Herd Talk, this article was meant to be placed in the April, 2020 Herd Talk, which was not published due to COVID-19 shut down. On a bright note, 11 RV concrete pads have been completed, 160+ feet of six-inch drainpipe, 150 feet of four-inch drainpipe, over 50 yards of crushed rock has been placed in the RV Park to complete the project. This was done by RAO Construction, who poured the concrete pads and members Dale Bridges, Charlie Blunk, Howard Ritter, Bill Barton, Ron Parker, TerryLong, New Member Chuck Gesik, and Kevin Christie. Thank you for stepping up and helping to complete the project in a timely manner and minimizing loss of income to the Lodge as we had numerous requests on the status of our RV park being open.

At the June 3rd, 2020 Lodge meeting, final phase approval for the RV Concrete Pad construction was voted on and approved. A final draft application will be submitted to Grand Lodge. The Board of Trustees, Lodge Officers, House Committee Members, have diligently been working on the 2020/2021 budget. A final draft was posted for review, and due to the COVID-19 restrictions and no Lodge meetings, this budget was finally approved at the June 3rd, 2020 Lodge meeting. I would like to thank everyone involved in that process for their addition time, input, and professionalism.

Special thanks to Ron Porter, Jim Collins, Chuck Gesik, Anne Poole, Donna Jordan, Jennifer Johnston and crew for their assistance in maintaining the beauty of the lawns and shrubbery of the Lodge. Thank you for doing this through the pandemic period, which is the high growth period for lawns and shrubs, requiring increased time commitments necessary to keep your Lodge looking polished and welcoming. I would like to thank the Members and Officers for the support they have provided to me for the last two years as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

I would like to thank Board Members Bob Gish (retired), Marta Martinez, Terry Long ,Pierre Carbonneau for their unwavering support to this Lodge, to the Membership, and to me. Marta Martinez was elected in April to be Chairperson for the 2020/2021 year. I have one year remaining of my elected five-year term as a Trustee. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or issues you feel need to be addressed to the Board.

Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Trustee

Columns News

Trustees – January 2020

Happy New Year to all our Members and Family! Hopefully, everyone had a great holiday season wherever you may have been.

It doesn’t look like we are slowing down, as we are starting this year at full throttle ahead. Our annual Weekend in the Redwoods event is scheduled for January 17th, 18th and 19th: Cook Your Own Steak Friday, Crab Feed Saturday, and Breakfast Sunday.

I am seeing new faces around the Lodge volunteering wherever they feel comfortable. Thank you very much! Again, this is, “Your Lodge,” and your assistance is greatly appreciated.

The Trustees of the Lodge are still working on completing a list of contractors interested in bidding on upcoming construction projects at the Lodge. If you are interested, or know of any licensed contractors who are, please forward names and contact information to the Lodge, ATTN: Board of Trustees.

Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns News

Trustee’s Corner


Follow up from August Heard Talk: The Trustees/Lodge are still compiling a list of Members who are licensed contractors in general, structural, electrical, plumbing and/or landscaping – ANYTHING! – and who wish to be called/notified of any upcoming work at the Lodge to be preformed. If you are, please submit your name and contact information to the Lodge, ATTN Board of Trustees, as soon as possible.

The Lodge is seeking to hire a part-time bookkeeper/accountant. Anyone who is interested, or knows of someone who may be interested, please have them leave their contact information at the Lodge, ATTN: Kevin Christie or ER Gwen Carroll, as soon as possible. A job description/details is in progress.
Busy season is coming at the Lodge. If you find yourself with a little extra time in your schedule, we can always use an extra volunteer at the Lodge. Please contact Kathy Payne, Jessie Peters, or ER Gwen Carroll.

The Humboldt County Veterans’ Stand Down is October 3rd, 4th and 5th at the Ferndale Fairgrounds. Our Lodge Veterans Committee provides dinner Thursday night, beginning at 5 p.m., and lunch on Friday at 12 p.m. We could use a few Volunteers to help prepare and serve the meals. Please contact Kevin Christie at 707-269-7013 or 707-498-7312. Please leave your name and telephone number . Contact Anne Poole if you would like to volunteer as a staff person. Anne’s telephone number is 707-267-0873.
Rainy season is upon us. Roads are slick and visibility is poor. Please reduce speed and give everyone a little more room while driving.

Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns News

Trusteee’s Corner – August 2019

Summer is flying by fast, especially with the nice weather we are having. Your lodge continues to be a busy hub of the community. The 4th of July Dinner was well attended and Kathy and her crew put together a great meal of beef ribs and BBQ chicken. Special thanks goes to Terry Long and Demmerri and all those who volunteered at the fireworks booth, which benefits our lodge youth events.

Thanks to all who have been stepping up volunteering around the lodge with indoor and outdoor projects. It all helps to make everything run smoothly and keeps your lodge shining! Whether it be scheduled work party days, Herd Talk mailing, stuffing envelopes for various up-coming events, kitchen and/or dining room help, every bit helps!

Continue to have an enjoyable fun and safe summer. I hope to see you at our District Jamboree this August 16th-18th at your lodge.

Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns News

Trustee’s Corner

Summer Greetings

Thank you Ron Porter, Kevin and Serina Tomlin for their lawn mowing and weed-eating around the lodge — everything helps. Anyone else wishing to volunteer at the lodge outdoors, indoors, kitchen, dining room we have all kinds of projects for everyone. Contact Jackie Stihl, Kathy Payne, Nina in the office, or myself Kevin Christie 707-498-7312.

The next Lodge Outdoor Work Party day will be July 19th at 9:00 a.m. For those interested, bring your favorite yard tools you like to use. We have lawn mowing, weed-eating, weed pulling, and some painting to do. Lunch will be provided.

Everyone have an enjoyable and safe summer.
Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns News

Trustee’s Corner – June 2019

Greetings! Thanks to Ron Porter for stepping up and doing the needed power washing and painting in the lower parking lot. It looks good, Ron, and it is appreciated very much!

Thanks to the members, some of which are Lodge RV Roamers, for the lawn mowing and weed-eating around the lodge. Every hour counts! Thank you for your time and effort.

As soon as the weather improves, we will have more projects to complete along with another scheduled work day or two before the Jamboree in August.

When you pass thru the RV park please notice the freshly restored picnic tables. Three have been completed so far. This was work by several lodge members of the Redwood Roamers RV Group. Thank you for stepping up. Another job well done!

We will hear more of this phrase “Stepping Up” in the weeks and months to come.

The school year is coming to an end and summer will be upon us. This makes for more vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrians all in a hurry to go somewhere. We need to be more aware as we travel. Be prepared for the unexpected.

Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns Community News

Trustees Corner – April 2019

We have had another fantastic year at OUR lodge. As it closes, please thank our Past Exalted Ruler Dennis Hunter for a great year and welcome our new Exalted Ruler, Gwen Carroll. Mark Householter is retiring as he has served his 5-year term as a Lodge Trustee and is moving to Arizona. Thank you Mark for your service to this Lodge and its members. Pierre Carbonneau, a familiar face at the lodge and in the community is your newly elected 5-year Trustee and a loyal Veteran.

Our 2019/2020 annual estimated positive budget draft is posted on the Lodge Bulletin Board for view. Please DO NOT REMOVE. Any inquiries or comments may be made at our first Lodge meeting on Wednesday, April 3rd. Approval and adoption will be made at our Lodge meeting on Wednesday, April 17th. Unexpended monies in the 2018/20129 budget, in the approximate amount of $80,000 will be moved into the Mortgage Loan Account and will be paid on our mortgage. The Lodge moved to surplus three items from the current lodge inventory:

1. A portable 220 V electric warming table. It needs work. Make an offer.
2. Portable Fax Machine. Make an offer.
3. American Brand Double stacked convection ovens. Natural Gas/120 V. Minimum Bid $600.00. Was
working when it was taken out of service in December 2018.

These item are surplused in an AS IS CONDITION and this Lodge and its members dissolve/release any Liability of these items in their future use. Please contact the board of Trustees if you have any interest. The Board is looking forward to another year serving its members.

Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns News

Trustees Corner – March 2019

Greeting to all of you,

It’s time to prepare for next year’s budget. The Board Trustees, E.R Dennis Hunter, PER/Lodge Audit Chairman Brad Smith, Lodge Officers, House Committee, and the RV Roamers Committee have been working on this and should have a draft to be presented to the Lodge Floor for Posting and Review in March, before approval.

We have some new additions to our Elk Herd in the Lodge Room: two new Elk mounts. One is above the Treasure (Gary Payne’s) desk and the other over the Secretary’s (Ernie Nunes’s) desk. These were donated to the Lodge by Berti Schaafsma in Memory of her late husband, John Schaafsma. They are a very nice and much appreciated addition. Thank you Lecturing Knight, Scott Reinsmith, for his assistance in placement of the mounts, Terry Long for meeting with Berti and delivering the items to the lodge, and Mike and Bruce Heddinger for fabricating the mounting brackets for the wall to hold the mounts.
Thanks to all our members/volunteers that make this Lodge shine!!

Fraternally yours,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Columns News

Trustee’s Corner – May 2018

Happy May to all members,

The transition from past to present has been smooth sailing. I would like to introduce and welcome new Trustee’s members Bob Gish and Terry "Terrance" Long to the Board.

At the Lodge meeting on April 18th, we voted on the proposed budget for 2018/2019 which passed. The Trustees are asking for volunteers to do lawn mowing and weed eating around the lodge grounds in hope’s to put a crew of 4-6 or more persons to do the lawns on a regular basis at least until Fall. Anyone interested please contact myself Kevin Christie 707-498-7312, E.R. Dennis Hunter or Nina at the Lodge. Looking forward to another Great Year.

The Lodge is planning a Work Day in June/July around the Lodge, Date to be announced later in the June Herd Talk. Enjoy the warmer days in May.

Thank you.
Kevin Christie
Trustee Chairman