Columns News

Secretary’s Note – April 2019

Well, we had another big initiation group for step-up night. Welcome to new members: Jon Adams, Ken Akana, Laura Avila, Glenn Bayless, Janis Bendle, Janis Branscomb, Brian Bynum, James Christiansen, Erica Farnum, Dylan Forbes, Carolyn Ford, Jon Gagnon, Scott Hicks, Jeral Johnson, Donna Landry-Rehling, Ashley Lehman, Jesse Nolan, and Willie Shiwaika.

Also, it should be noted there is a by-laws amendment in process. Article X, Sections 3 & 4 Dues and Fees. Reinstatement is $50.00. Due to a misprint, it is listed at $30.00.

I would also like to take this time to congratulate the officers for a great job at step-up night and to thank ER Dennis Hunter for a fantastic year and Mark Householter for five years of service on the Board of Trustees.

Ernie Nunes, PER, Lodge Secretary

Columns News

Secretary’s Corner – October 2018

Welcome new members: Frank Carpenter, David Kohl, Arvid Lacy, Kelly Pixley, Kathi Ray and Clint Stannard. Members ready for Balloting: Ruth Baker, Michael Bresnahan, Bryan Enloe, David Erquhart, Jack Justus, Larry Kinyon, Eric Murrell, Brenda Nevers, Linda Roberton, Shelby Schoenhofer and 2 Reinstatements, Patrick Blair and Todd
Ernie Nunes, PER, Lodge Secretary


Secretary’s Corner – September 2018

Welcome to new members who were initiated on August 15th: Mike Alcorn, Mike Dearden, Gareth Earhardt, Mark Geiser, Don HoFacker, Terry Stafford, Mike Strickland, Rena Forbes, Garrett, Bill Goodman.

If you notice some areas of the property have been cleaned up, give a BIG thank you to the Redwood Roamers RV group. They had a work party on August 15. Thank You!

Columns News

Message from the Secretary – May 2018

Welcome to new members who were initiated on April 18th: Daniel Arbuthnot, Juan Barreto, Roseann Buchner, Katherine Clague, Eric Clark, Kathleen Cloney-Gardiner, Jamie Cox, Antonio Donofrio, Chad Fite, Arturo Gasdik, Dan Herron, Loni Hollenbeck, Jack Kolshinski, Barry Mendenhall, Danielle Meyer, Lee Miller, Kyle Pruitt, Roberto Rodriguez, Sott Rotherham, Terry Safko,
Emily Silveira, Jaymes Silveira, James Sterling, Bill White, and Sam Williams.

Ernie Nunes, PER, Secretary


Message from the Secretary – April 2018

Welcome to new members Chase Blackman, Glenn Brooks, William Warwick, Alexa Taylor, Kaylee Townsend, Wendy Smith, Glen Stromstad, John Presley, Eric Schatz, Joyce Hill, Carrie Norris, Brad Fite, Miguel Garcia, please make them feel at home.

Don’t forget Big 4 Dinner and Auction on April 14th — get your tickets now.

If you have pre-paid your Membership Dues for 2018-19, your cards are in the process of being mailed to you over the next week. If we have missed any stickers on your card, please come see me or Nina in the front office and one of us will take care of it for you.

Ernie Nunes, PER, Secretary


Message from the Secretary – February 2018


I would like to welcome new members Felicia Doherty, Loren Collins, Jesse Graney, Karen Koskinen, Phil Leavitt, Ryan Green, Dan Lawrence, Dylan Toews, Pam Penny, Fiona Wilson, Lowell Wallace, and Bill Frye.

Anyone interested in BARTENDING should sign up for the LEADS Class at If you have any questions, call me at the Lodge (707) 442-6652. This certification will be mandatory for all bartenders. Additionally, Bartenders School for our lodge will be held Sunday, Feb. 11th at 10:00 am. Call and register if you are interested in tending bar. We will need your name and phone number.

FYI, Grand Lodge will be sending out delinquent notices. If you receive one in the mail and are not or do not want to renew your membership, disregard the notice. Those of you that do not want to renew for whatever reason, will be dropped automatically. If you have received a notice and do not want to be dropped, please call the office. 707-442-6652.