Columns News

Chaplain’s Corner – November 2018

What a month we had in October! The Eureka Elks Lodge Veterans Committee participated in the year’s North Coast Stand Down. On Friday night the Veterans Committee provided and served meals for 320 Veterans and family members. On Saturday, the Veterans Committee served lunch for 409 Veterans and family members. Thank you to all that helped move clothing out to the Ferndale Fair Grounds on Thursday as well. A special thank you to Kevin Christie for heading up the meal preparations in the kitchen this year as well and a special thank you to Anne Poole for always going the extra mile and heading up the clothing donations and coordination for this event every year.

November 9th, 2018 is this year’s Eureka VA Clinic and Eureka Elks Lodge R.E.D. Friday BBQ. Ceremonies kick off at 12:00 (Noon) and will go until 3:00 pm. This event is open to Veterans. NO RSVP is required. Please come and join us in a day to ‘Remember Everyone
Deployed’ along with a special presentation Mad River Honor Guard and from the Eureka High School Choir. Lunch will be cooked by Kevin Christi and the Eureka Elks Lodge Veterans Committee. I hope to see all our Veterans there.
Casey Stephens, Chaplain
US Army, Ret. Veterans’ Committee Chairman