Author: Elks #652
Wild Game Feed
Crab and Prawn Feed
Mardi Gras Dinner
Purple Pig Dinner
Greetings All!
The weather is chilly and we are clearly in the midst of winter. I want to thank all those individuals who traveled from near and far to participate in the Weekend in the Redwoods. We had a jammed packed Friday night Cook Your Own Steak and a wonderful turnout for the Crab Feed on Saturday. Unfortunately, due to extreme weather conditions we were unable to provide whole crab, fresh from our waters. Kevin Christie did a great job in providing a fabulous seafood dinner as an alternative which included, pick and peel prawns, bay shrimp, oysters and picked crab. It was a wonderful event and we received nothing but positive feedback. I also want to thank Vickie Matthews for her fabulous decorations. Our entryway looked like the gateway to an amazing beachside adventure. The decorations throughout the lodge were amazing. I want to also thank Donna Jordan and Linda Nunes for the beautiful paintings that were raffled off. We had a very successful weekend and so many people need to be thanked for their time, energy and effort to make this a success! THANK YOU!
Please mark your calendars for the upcoming Children’s Easter Party as well as the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. The Lodge Officers will be cooking dinner for all the volunteers as a way to say “Thank you” for all you do! Stay warm and well during these Winter months!
As you can see by reading this edition of Herd Talk, you can tell that February is a busy month. One of the highlights of the month is the Purple Pig dinner, held on Sunday, February 11th. For those of you who have been filling your pigs with coins, this is your chance to bring in your pig and win some prizes. We’ll give out awards for the most Original Purple Pig, the Richest Purple Pig and the Heaviest Purple Pig! And, for all us hams, we’ll have a delicious pork dinner!
The event will begin with cocktails at 4:00 pm and dinner at 5:00 pm. Bring your family and friends and have some fellowship and fun. A big thanks to Shelley from Rendezvous Music for counting up all the cash!
All proceeds from this event will go toward the California-Hawaii Elks’ Major Project which comes to the aid of children with disabilities throughout both states.
Message from the Secretary – February 2018
I would like to welcome new members Felicia Doherty, Loren Collins, Jesse Graney, Karen Koskinen, Phil Leavitt, Ryan Green, Dan Lawrence, Dylan Toews, Pam Penny, Fiona Wilson, Lowell Wallace, and Bill Frye.
Anyone interested in BARTENDING should sign up for the LEADS Class at If you have any questions, call me at the Lodge (707) 442-6652. This certification will be mandatory for all bartenders. Additionally, Bartenders School for our lodge will be held Sunday, Feb. 11th at 10:00 am. Call and register if you are interested in tending bar. We will need your name and phone number.
FYI, Grand Lodge will be sending out delinquent notices. If you receive one in the mail and are not or do not want to renew your membership, disregard the notice. Those of you that do not want to renew for whatever reason, will be dropped automatically. If you have received a notice and do not want to be dropped, please call the office. 707-442-6652.
The Roamers held their first meeting of 2018 on January 4th. The main topic of meeting was to nominate places to go to this year. We have 16 places to venture to this year. It looks like it will be a fun year. Places nominated and scheduled are:
- April: Lodi, Good Sam Rally
- May: Fort Bragg
- June: Lewiston Peddlers Fair
- June: Reedsport, Oregon
- July: Brookings, Oregon
- August: Gold Beach, Oregon
- October: Sonoma Harvest Festival
- November: Benbow RV Park
The following are nominations that don’t have dates assigned: Napa Wine Train, Apple Hill, McCloud RV Park, Florence, OR., Diamond Lake, OR., Sisters, OR, Bodega Bay, and Santa Maria Elms.
Veteran’s Corner – February 2018
As February is my last month as an officer, I would like to thank and welcome Casey Stephens to the position of Veterans Committee Chairman. Casey has been involved with the committee this last year and has been instrumental in assisting with several Elk veteran programs such as the Veterans Car Show, Ice Cream Social and the training of companion dogs for veterans with PTSD. Welcome Casey!
A special thanks to all those who helped me as Veteran Committee Chair over the past eight years, especially Kevin Christie!