Columns Events News

Elks National Foundation Scholarship Programs

The 2020 Most Valuable Student Scholarships are available starting August 5, 2020. Applicants must be a High School Senior and a U.S. Citizen. Applications will be judged on scholarship, leadership, and financial need. You must access the application online at Deadline for completing the application online is November 15, 2020.

The Elks National Foundation Scholarship Program provides 2.44 million dollars in scholarships annually. Three boys’ and three girls’ applications will be selected from our lodge to compete at the District, State, and National levels. Five hundred four-year awards will be presented in the spring of 2021.

Legacy Awards Scholarships are for college-bound high school seniors who are the children or grandchildren of dues-paying Elks. Applicants compete against other children and grandchildren from the state of the sponsoring Elk Lodge. Applications are judged on the core values of the Elks National Foundation. Applications must be accessed online at Application must be submitted online by February 5, 2021, at 11:59 a.m. Central Time.

Dale A. Stockly, Lodge #652 Scholarship Chair

Columns News

Scouts – October 2020

I am proud to announce that Troop 54 has 5 new Eagle Scouts!!! This is the highest rank that can be achieved in the Boy Scouts and has only been earned by about 4% of scouts since 1911 when scouting began. On August 31, we were able to have an Eagle Court of Honor to celebrate their awesome achievements using standard Covid precautions. Due to restrictions, we had to make this a family only event, but it was still a wonderful ceremony to recognize these exceptional young men. Our distinguished guest speaker was 4th District Supervisor, Virginia Bass. Mr Akana was able to present each of the Eagle Scouts with an American Flag procured through the office of Congressman Jared Huffman and flown over the United States Capitol.

There was a wonderful slide show narrated by Scoutmaster Frank Jager showing the progression of each of these boys transitioning to young men along their journey through Scouts. The Eagle awards were presented to the scouts by Jack Haase, Troop Committee Chairman. Our 5 new Eagle Scouts, from left to right are Cody Cook, Dimitri Stefanakis, John Rydz, Morgan Harper, and Kevin Akana.
Thomas Rydz, Scouting Chairman

Columns News

Roamers – October 2020

The pandemic has not slowed the spirit of the Roamers. We have not been able to meet in person on the first Wednesday of each month, but communication is strong through emails and phone calls. Charlie Blunk, is headed the outing to McCloud on September 17-20; more about that in the next Herd Talk. Hopefully, the Roamers will be able to start in person meetings on the first Wednesday in November if CDC Guidelines have been lifted for large meetings.

Please stay safe, wear your mask, and practice social distancing. Happy Trails to You!
Dale A. Stockly, Wagon Master

Columns News

Secretary – October 2020

I like to welcome our two newest members, Sebastian Morgan and James Hinrichs, who were initiated on September 16th. A lot of things have been happening in spite of the COVID closure. We are holding our own financially but need member support. Please come by for dinner on Friday and Wednesday nights, or order take home. These meals are helping our Lodge out a lot. Naturally, social distancing and face masks are required any time you come by for a visit. The card tables and pool tables are open for use as well with proper spacing.

We had our annual District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler inspection on September 16. We did well according to all reports. He spoke at our meeting, congratulating us on a good job and for staying as open as possible during the COVID crisis. There are a lot of prospective members in a holding pattern for various reasons, mostly related to COVID. We are processing them through the system to become members as fast as we can. There are a number of delinquent members, who are just now paying their dues. There are some mistakes being made on my part as far as billing those who have paid or not billing those that should have been billed for membership. Forgive me as I am new to this job. I want to thank those who are remaining members in spite of the COVID. It’s important to remember that this COVOD crisis will end sometime in the not too far off future, and maintaining an active membership is important for you and the Lodge.

Brad Smith , PER, PDDGER, Lodge Secretary

Columns News

Trustees – October 2020

We would like to thank DDGER Randy Logan for his visit to our lodge on Wednesday September 16. We would also like to thank all the members for coming to the lodge sit down or “Take out” meals on Wednesdays and Fridays. Thank you to all who volunteer, our membership makes our lodge great! Keep up the good work of social distancing and wearing masks. Stay safe and God bless.

Marta Martinez, Trustee Chairperson

Columns Events News

California & Hawaii Elks Assoc. 2020/2021 Drug Awareness Program Contest

From a young age, the Drug Awareness Program (DAP) asks kids to think about what it means to be drug free. Through the Elks Drug Awareness Contests annual poster, essay and video contests, kids and young adults are provided the opportunity to express their feelings on rejecting peer pressure.

Three contests are available for students of different ages:
Poster Contest: grades 3rd, 4th and 5th
Essay Contest: grades 6th, 7th and 8th
Video Contest open to three groups: Pre-High School, High School and Post Graduate. (Participants
may be an individual or group)

$ Cash Prizes $ Awards for the California and Hawaii Elks Association winners for each contest include:
$400 1st place $300 2nd place $200 3rd place

Each Elks District will also award $100 to each contest district winner.

Entry should be submitted no later than December 15th, 2020 to:
Elks Drug Awareness Contest 2379 Ariel Way Arcata, CA 95521

For contest rules and entry forms contact either Jack Harris at or go to

Drug Awareness

Jack Harris, Drug Awareness Chairman

Columns Events News

Pearl Harbor National Memorial Fundraising

Elks have been partnering with the Pacific Historical Parks, a WWII focused 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public
benefit organization that oversees the Pearl Harbor National Memorial, to help preserve, restore, and modern-
ize the USS Arizona Memorial. They have officially extended the end of this program to November 11.
All additional funds raised will be used to enhance and expand a virtual education program that will allow
youth and adults across the country to “virtually visit” Pearl Harbor and learn about our history.

Will you help us reach our goal of $1 per member?
Make a donation today at! (

Checks, payable to Elks National Foundation, may be mailed to Elks National Foundation, 2750 N. Lakeview
Ave, Chicago, IL 60614-2256. Please write “Pearl Harbor” in the memo line.

Columns News

Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 hosted blood drives at two locations Local lodge helped get the blood bank up and running nearly 70 years ago

by Heather Shelton, Times-Standard Newspaper, portions of the article were copied with permission

“The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks brings much more to our communities than just a building. We provide a place where neighbors come together, families share meals and children grow up,” said Past Exalted Ruler Dennis Hunter.

“We invest in our communities through programs that help children grow up healthy and drug-free, meet the needs of today’s veterans and improve the quality of life,” Hunter said. “One of the ways we can save lives is to become directly involved with the blood bank. Since the onset of the COVID-19 virus, there has been a tremendous shortage of blood and the need for local blood donations.”

New donors are always needed, (Kate) Witthaus noted, especially now during the COVID-19 health crisis. “Locally, 38% of blood donations normally come from people 65 and older, but many seniors are now quarantining. Twenty-five percent of donations normally come from high school and college campus blood drives, but most of these schools are closed or partially closed,” she said. “We need new healthy, eligible donors to step in and fill these gaps, and we need new businesses and organizations to help us hold community blood drives to replace the ones that have been canceled.” Dozens of Elks and community members donated (at our Elks Blood Drive).

Columns News

DDGER Visits Lodge

Randy Logan, District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler, pictured with Kathy Payne, Exalted Ruler of Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652, made his annual visit to the lodge to inspect the lodge financial books, records, membership development, lodge activities and charitable works. His district is from the Golden Gate bridge to the Oregon border and east to I-5. He complimented Kathy, her officers and committee workers on their fine work and ranks it as one of the top lodges in his district.

Columns News

Exalted Ruler’s Column – September 2020

Hello everyone! We are having dinners on Wednesday and Friday nights. There are Sit-Down outside or To Go meals available. We are able to seat 110 people on our two decks. Reservations MUST be made by 5 pm the night before; call 834-6612. Please remember that the Lodge is open to Elk Members in Good Standing
ONLY and we can not accept GUESTS (non members) at this time. The best way you, as a member, can help to support your Lodge is to purchase a meal. We have four heaters on the decks now to help keep us warm. Thank you Kevin Jenkins from McKinleyville Ace Hardware and Kevin Christie from Eureka Ace
Hardware for the donation of two heaters. We have 217 Members that have not paid their Member Dues yet. Please try to have your current year’s Dues paid as quickly as possible. We will be sending out past-due notices soon. We don’t want to drop anyone for non-payment!

We will be having our DDGER Randy Logan visit our Lodge on Wednesday, September 16th. All Officers and the Chairmen of all committees must write their
reports and have them available at the 5 pm meeting on September 16th. We will be having a Pot Roast dinner that night. Please be sure to make reservations at 834-6612. This is a great opportunity for members to meet visiting dignitaries. Please join us! Stay healthy and happy!

Kathy Payne, Exalted Ruler
“Get ’er Done and Let’s Have Fun.”