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January Historical Events

BPOE Historical January Events

The creation of the Grand Lodge was approved by membership in
January of 1871. Charter Number 1 was issued to New York and
Charter Number 2 was issued to Philadelphia. The incorporation of
Grand Lodge was enacted by the State of New York in March of the
same year. Grand Lodge requirement was to be a PER, Past Exalted

The Life Magazine edition of January 15, 1941 publishes the Elks
presentation of The Uncle Sam Poster to President Franklin D.

The Elks National Defense and Public Relations Commission becomes
the Elks War Commission on 4 January 1942.

Elks membership in 1871 was 243 and Elks membership in 1968
during the Elks Centennial was 1,452,187.

Most notable historical events are attributed to the Grand Lodge
year in which they occur and there have been millions of events.
The Millionth Elk was Raymond Cole of Bay City, Michigan, Lodge
No. 89.

Greg Rill