Columns News

Exalted Ruler – July 2021

Well, mask season is finally over. We are back to full capacity and will be able to have live music and dancing again along with guests being welcome at the Lodge. With this added capacity the Lodge will be needing more help in the volunteer department. If you have any experience with or want to learn about working in the kitchen or bar to help your Lodge please leave your name and number at the bar or front desk and someone will contact you. Also, we are looking to hire an additional maintenance/custodial staff person. If you are interested or know of someone who is interested in this position, please contact the office.

With the weather heating up inland, I’m sure a lot of people will be traveling to our area again and our R.V. park will be filling up. It will be so nice to SEE people and talk to them again face to face without masks. I look forward to hearing about their travels.

I will be attending the Elks National Convention in Tampa, Florida over the weekend of July 4th to represent our Lodge and District. When I return we will be getting our Lodge ready for CHEA President, Jay Larkins’ Visitation to the Great Northwest District, which is a great honor for our Lodge. Later in July we will celebrate the A.V.P. Dennis Hunter’s Homecoming, another very special event at our Lodge.

I hope everyone has a great 4th of July and is feeling the excitement of getting back to normal. I can’t wait to hear live music again at the Lodge. Lastly, if you leave a note in my box please sign it so that I can get back to you with answers.

ER Scott Reinsmith