Columns News

Redwood Roamers – May 2021

The Redwood Roamers have had their first outing for 2021 to Benbow KOA park on April 16-18. Fifteen RV’s made
the trek. Everyone was excited to get out in the outdoors after a long year of staying home. On Sunday, we had a
party to celebrate Mickey Land-McLsaac retirement and marriage to Doug McLsaac. Twelve Roamers drove down
from Eureka to join the celebration making 42 Roamers in attendance. The evening provided campfires, fellowship
and good stories. The Roamers next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 5 at 4:30 p.m. at the Elks Lodge. All Elks are
invited to come regardless if they have an R.V. or not. Please stay safe, wash your hands, wear your face mask and
practice social distancing. Happy trails!, Dale A. Stockly, Wagon Master.