Wendy Browne, the new Americanism Chairman for our Lodge, has some new ideas for the Americanism column. Each month she wants to spotlight a revolutionary war patriot who is an ancestor of one of our members. This could be expanded into the Civil War, which was a revolution of sorts. This months Revolutionary War Patriot is Johannes Soder (1740-1821), who was a Captain of the Fifth Militia, 3rd Battalion in Berks County Pennsylvania. His troops served as Minute Men at Brandywine and Germantown. They also served on the frontier against Indians. Johannes was born in Bedford Pennsylvania in 1740. His father was from Bern Switzerland, and arrived in America in 1733. Johannesenlistment dates are not known because the British destroyed the military records in Washington, DC during the was of 1812. Johannes had 4 sons and 8 daughters. Esteemed Lecturing Knight, Ward Mengel is the 6th Great Grandson of Johannes Soder. The information was submitted by Gene Ology. Submit articles to the Lodge Secretary.