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2021 Installation of Officers

Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 held its annual installation of officer on
March 27th. The lodge was chartered in 1910 and held its first meeting on
2nd street, where the Oberon restaurant is today. They later moved to the
corner of H and 4th street, the current location of Umpqua Bank. Then in the
1970’s, moved to its current location on Herrick Avenue. The lodge is one of
the most active lodges in the state with over 1400 members. For further
information visit the lodge web site at Pictured from left
to right, front row: Treasurer, Ernie Nunes: Lecturing Knight, Ward Mengel:
Leading Knight, Marta Martinez: Exalted Ruler, Scott Reinsmith: Loyal
Knight, James Jones: Secretary, Brad Smith and Chaplain, Shawn Doebel. Back
row; Tiler, Dennis Doty; Inner Guard, Wendy Brown: Esquire, Eddie Morgan and
Trustees, Pierre Carbonneau, Karen Hunter, Sherie Bialous and Terry Long.