Columns News

Leo Franks Scholarship Awards

Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 presented the Leo Franks Scholarship Awards.
The recipients are Humboldt County residents and Grandchildren of Elk
members in good standing. Each recipient receives $1,000.00. Pictured from
left to right: Lodge Leading Knight, Marta, Martinez: Colton Johnston,
graduate of Eureka High with a 4.5 GPA and was valedictorian 2019. He is
currently enrolled at California Institute of Technology, majoring in
Mechanical Engineering. Kelli Johnston, is a senior at Eureka High with a
4.36 GPA. She will be attending Colorado Mesa University studying
Environmental Science. Nate Fowler, graduate of Eureka High with a 4.2 GPA
and was Times Standard student of the month during his senior year. He is
currently attending Shasta Community College and plans to transfer to Cal
Poly, San Luis Obispo or San Diego State. His major is Mechanical
Engineering. Lodge Exalted Ruler, Kathy Payne. Not pictured, Keylei
Aujoles Carroll, a senior at Eureka High with a 4.3 GPA. She has been in
Student Government for the last three years and is Vice President of the
class of 2021. She will be attending Davis on a Soccer Scholarship.