Columns News

New Officer Corps Elected

The February 5th Lodge meeting was conducted by the Past Exalted Rulers as is the custom. Officer nominations for the upcoming year were accepted during that meeting. The following nominations were submitted and accepted without contest; therefore, they are considered elected to their respective positions: Five Year Trustee Karen Hunter, Four Year Trustee PER Sherie Bialous, Lodge Treasurer PER Ernie Nunes, Lecturing Knight Ward Mengle, Loyal Knight James Jones and Exalted Ruler Scott Reinsmith. Two positions were contested. Brad Smith and Judy Sousa for Lodge Secretary, and Kevin Christie and Marta Martinez for Leading Knight.

The February 17th Lodge meeting was conducted in the dining room to facilitate social distancing and better attendance via the ethernet. The meeting agenda was shortened to accommodate the time necessary for the contested elections. There were 90 members physically in attendance and 17 members in attendance via zoom for a total of 107 voting members. Brad Smith was elected Lodge Secretary, and Marta Martinez was elected Leading Knight. My congratulations to all of the upcoming officers. I want to thank the elections committee of PER Dennis Hunter, PER Kurt Bialous, ELK James Jones and Zoom coordinator Eddie Morgan for very smoothly handling the election process.

Attendance to all committee and membership meetings is allowed via zoom. The process is simple for those who have either computers or smart phones. Those with neither can still attend by using their dial in phones. Meeting links will be sent to those with emails on record. The process is explained in the Elk Lodge #652 Facebook site. We are broadcasting the House Committee, Trustees, and General Membership meetings. I was excited to see 107 members in attendance on February 17, which is about four times the usual number of attendees. I encourage all members to attend meetings when they can, and become a part of the process of running the Lodge. Your participation is appreciated by the entire Officer Corps. By Lodge Secretary PDDGER Brad Smith