Columns News

Secretary’s Note – February 2021

Annual elections of officers are held during the month of February each year. This year is no
exception in spite of the COVID pandemic. We, as Elks, need to carry on with our philanthropic
ideals. A big part of that is the Officer Corps of every Lodge. The Officers conduct the ritualistic
initiation that we all take before becoming a member, but that’s not all they do. The Exalted
Ruler is the Chief Executive Officer of the Lodge, making daily decisions that affect each of us
as members. The Leading Knight is the second in command, taking over in the absence of the
Exalted Ruler. He or she also stands ready to hear the cry of affliction and to aid those in
destress. The other Chair Officers have duties, such as, managing the Major Project (Purple
Pig), and the Elks National Foundation (ENF). Both are the charity parts of Elkdom. The Lodge
Secretary and Lodge Treasurer are stand alone officers with duties as defined in the Statutes.
Every Exalted Ruler (ER) who completes their year becomes a Past Exalted Ruler (PER). The
PER’s act as mentors to the Officer Corps and the Lodge in general. Eureka has a very diverse
PER Association. Many have gone on to become State (CHEA) and National Officers, such as
Association Vice Presidents or District Deputy Grand Exalted Rulers. Officers that are often not
thought of are the Lodge Trustees. There are five of them that make up the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees is responsible for the assets of the Lodge (the money and property).
They are the ones who put the budget together, keep and eye on it, and manage the property.
Being an officer is sometimes demanding of time and energy, but it is always rewarding.

Nominations for the following Offices will be accepted on February 3, 2021. Exalted Ruler,
Leading Knight, Loyal Knight, Lecturing Knight and Tiler as Chair Officers. Two Trustee
positions will be up for election. The Secretary and Treasurer are also up for election annually.
Nominations will be accepted in writing from those who are attending via Zoom because of the
COVID situation. Naturally, masks and social distancing are required. Traditionally, the Chair
Officers move up in rank as there is rarely a contested election. The Chaplain, Esquire and
Inner Guard are appointed by the incoming Exalted Ruler. Nominations are closed at the end of
the meeting unless no one is nominated for a particular office. Nominees are elected by
ascension if only one nominee is presented. Elections if an office is contested are held by secret
ballot the following meeting in February. The PER’s run the first meeting in February.

Fraternally, Brad Smith, PDDGER, Lodge Secretary