Columns News

Secretary – October 2020

I like to welcome our two newest members, Sebastian Morgan and James Hinrichs, who were initiated on September 16th. A lot of things have been happening in spite of the COVID closure. We are holding our own financially but need member support. Please come by for dinner on Friday and Wednesday nights, or order take home. These meals are helping our Lodge out a lot. Naturally, social distancing and face masks are required any time you come by for a visit. The card tables and pool tables are open for use as well with proper spacing.

We had our annual District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler inspection on September 16. We did well according to all reports. He spoke at our meeting, congratulating us on a good job and for staying as open as possible during the COVID crisis. There are a lot of prospective members in a holding pattern for various reasons, mostly related to COVID. We are processing them through the system to become members as fast as we can. There are a number of delinquent members, who are just now paying their dues. There are some mistakes being made on my part as far as billing those who have paid or not billing those that should have been billed for membership. Forgive me as I am new to this job. I want to thank those who are remaining members in spite of the COVID. It’s important to remember that this COVOD crisis will end sometime in the not too far off future, and maintaining an active membership is important for you and the Lodge.

Brad Smith , PER, PDDGER, Lodge Secretary