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Northern California Community Blood Bank

In 1949 our then Exalted Ruler, Carl Hansen, was at a social event
when he overheard some doctors talking about how half the blood that
was being sent by Greyhound Bus from Santa Rosa was tainted by the time the
hospital received it in Eureka. He got busy and put together a phone bank that
the hospitals could use to call Elk members to go and give fresh blood.

Carl Hansen, PER and MDs Dr. Jarvis, Dr. Dalm, Dr. Schmidt and Dr. Watson
decided to form the community blood bank. Our Elks Lodge #652 raised the
money to start the Humboldt-Del Norte Blood Bank. In 1951 the blood bank
was incorporated.

Let’s make PER Hansen proud by the Eureka Elks Lodge #652 members giving
“The Gift of Life”! Please come donate Wednesday, September 2 either at the
Blood Mobile in our Lodge parking lot from 12-6 pm or at the Northern CA
Community Blood Bank (2524 Harrison Ave.) from 4-7 pm.