Columns News

Trustees – July 2020

As you are reading this in the July, 2020 Herd Talk, this article was meant to be placed in the April, 2020 Herd Talk, which was not published due to COVID-19 shut down. On a bright note, 11 RV concrete pads have been completed, 160+ feet of six-inch drainpipe, 150 feet of four-inch drainpipe, over 50 yards of crushed rock has been placed in the RV Park to complete the project. This was done by RAO Construction, who poured the concrete pads and members Dale Bridges, Charlie Blunk, Howard Ritter, Bill Barton, Ron Parker, TerryLong, New Member Chuck Gesik, and Kevin Christie. Thank you for stepping up and helping to complete the project in a timely manner and minimizing loss of income to the Lodge as we had numerous requests on the status of our RV park being open.

At the June 3rd, 2020 Lodge meeting, final phase approval for the RV Concrete Pad construction was voted on and approved. A final draft application will be submitted to Grand Lodge. The Board of Trustees, Lodge Officers, House Committee Members, have diligently been working on the 2020/2021 budget. A final draft was posted for review, and due to the COVID-19 restrictions and no Lodge meetings, this budget was finally approved at the June 3rd, 2020 Lodge meeting. I would like to thank everyone involved in that process for their addition time, input, and professionalism.

Special thanks to Ron Porter, Jim Collins, Chuck Gesik, Anne Poole, Donna Jordan, Jennifer Johnston and crew for their assistance in maintaining the beauty of the lawns and shrubbery of the Lodge. Thank you for doing this through the pandemic period, which is the high growth period for lawns and shrubs, requiring increased time commitments necessary to keep your Lodge looking polished and welcoming. I would like to thank the Members and Officers for the support they have provided to me for the last two years as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

I would like to thank Board Members Bob Gish (retired), Marta Martinez, Terry Long ,Pierre Carbonneau for their unwavering support to this Lodge, to the Membership, and to me. Marta Martinez was elected in April to be Chairperson for the 2020/2021 year. I have one year remaining of my elected five-year term as a Trustee. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or issues you feel need to be addressed to the Board.

Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Trustee