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Officer Meeting

After a long wait the Eureka Elks Lodge No.652 had a Officers meeting and initiation night of new members on Wednesday, June 17th. For health concerns all wore masks and except for the officer photo stayed a  safe distance. Like everyone the members are hoping that they can get back to having entertainment and dances back at the lodge. Pictured from left to right, front row: Brad Smith, Secretary; James Jones, Lecturing Knight; Kathy Henderson Payne, Exalted Ruler; Scott  Reinsmith, Leading Knight and Erine Nunes, Treasurer. Back row: Dennis Doty, Tiler; Frederick Lumbert, Esquire; Ward Mengel, Chaplain and Trustees, Gary Payne, Pierre Carronneau, Terry Long, Marta Martinez and Kevin Christe. Not pictured: Jim Kloss, Loyal Knight and Pete Johnston, Inner Guard.