Columns News

Board of Trustees – March 2020

Greetings, Members.

Thank you to all of the Members who have stepped up and volunteered extra time from their busy lives and schedules to help out wherever needed, whether it be in the kitchen, dining room, Herd Talk, yard and landscaping, and general maintenance. Your efforts are very noticed, and your time is highly appreciated. A special thanks to the Members who helped cook, clean and serve crab for the two big events this year.

The annual budget process is underway for 2020/2021. The Board of Trustees, House Committee, and Officers have been working on this, and work will continue until presentation of the budget to the Membership in the near future. This will occur no later than the first meeting in April for presentation, and then final approval by the second meeting in April on the Lodge floor.

The RV Park reinforced concrete pad project – the Board of Trustees and the RV Advisory Committee have held on-site presentations with prospective, interested contractors, and have received quotes for this project. Sealed bids were received from nine bidders. All sealed bids were opened at the Trustees Meeting on February 18, 2020. A bid was accepted for construction of a selected number of RV pads and sizes. The bid was $69,500.00, which was accepted by the Board of Trustees and recommended for approval by the membership, was announced on the Lodge Floor Wednesday, February 19, 2020. Unanimous approval for acceptance was received from the Lodge Floor to accept the bid of RAO Construction. This completed the first phase of the approval process.

Special thanks to RV Advisory Committee, Howard Ritter, Board of Trustees, Trustee Pierre Carbonneau, Loyal Knight Scott Reinsmith, along with several other members of The Redwood Roamers for their work on the first phase of this project. The second phase is submitting this information and an application to Grand Lodge, which is in the process. There may be a final vote on this project on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 on the Lodge Floor.

The project will be proceeding, with more information to come back to the Lodge the first meeting of March.

The final draft of the RV Park manual has been posted on the bulletin board for review. Any questions, comments or concerns shall be addressed to the Board of Trustees no later than Tuesday, March 2, 2020. This was announced on the Lodge Floor on February 19, 2020.

A very special Thank You from the Board of Trustees to Bob Gish, outgoing Trustee. Your diligent service to the Lodge in the affairs of your position, and your dedication to the Members of Elkdom for the past two years is greatly appreciated.

Congratulations to our incoming five years Trustee, Gary Payne. Gary is a returning Trustee to the Board from previous years of service.

Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees