Columns News

Redwood Roamers – February 2020

The Roamers had their first meeting on Wednesday, January 8 at the Elk Lodge at 4:30 p.m. We had a report from Howard Ritter on the progress of concrete pads for the Elks RV Park. Bids for the project must be submitted by February 14th with a completion date for the project on March 27, 2020.
The major part of our meeting was brainstorming ideas on where we wanted to roam in 2020. Roamers suggested 18 outings. Each Roamer was given five dots to place where they wanted to travel. The top eight were McCloud, Vacaville, Fort Bragg, Klamath, Lewiston, Jacksonville, OR, Florence, OR and Benbow for our Thanksgiving celebration. At our February 5th meeting will be reviewing the 18 suggested outings and finding volunteers to act as Trailblazers and Greasers to plan the outings.

Happy Trails and Happy New Year!
Dale A. Stockly, Wagon Master