Columns News

Exalted Ruler’s Column – January 2020

Welcome 2020!!!

Starting with serious business, the January 1st Lodge Meeting has been canceled . I really didn’t think anyone would want to go to a meeting on that day, so our one and only meeting in January will be on January 15th and it will be Initiation night.

January also brings our annual Weekend in the Redwoods, January 17, 18 (my birthday weekend, just in case you wanted to get me a present, kidding!!), and 19. The weekend starts off with Friday night “Cook Your Own Steak”, followed by Saturday’s CRAB feed and then to finish off the weekend, Sunday morning breakfast. Shuttle service in the Eureka area is available again this year. This weekend remains at $100.00 per person!!! You can’t beat that.

We had our first Hoop Shoot on December 8 with a young lady, Ilya Kelly taking the honors. A special note needs to be made, Ilya’s mom, Julie Kelly, was a Hoop Shooter that made it all the way to Nationals!!! This young hoopster along with her family, especially her Grandpa, Jack Harris and Grandma Lou will be traveling to Ukiah on January 4th for the District Hoop Shoot Competition. If you can make it, please go and cheer our lodge’s representative on!

Come on out and enjoy your lodge this month!

Gwen Carrol, Exalted Ruler