Columns News

Loyal Knight – January 2020

Well the busy holiday season is over and a new year is upon us.

I want to thank all the volunteers and staff for all the hard work they have done with all the functions we have had lately. I would like to remind all Elks and their guests to please bus your own tables and bar drinks. This is a lot of extra time and work for the volunteers that they shouldn’t have to do.

I will be having another E.N.F. Super Bowl party this year on Sunday, February 2nd. Come out and support your team and the Lodge. We will be having a 50/50 raffle, prize basket, food, drinks and fun!

Soon our officers will start practicing for the Ritual Contest in Ukiah. There is still a spot in the line-up if anyone is interested.

Scott Reinsmith,
Loyal Knight and ENF Chairman