Columns News

Trustees – January 2020

Happy New Year to all our Members and Family! Hopefully, everyone had a great holiday season wherever you may have been.

It doesn’t look like we are slowing down, as we are starting this year at full throttle ahead. Our annual Weekend in the Redwoods event is scheduled for January 17th, 18th and 19th: Cook Your Own Steak Friday, Crab Feed Saturday, and Breakfast Sunday.

I am seeing new faces around the Lodge volunteering wherever they feel comfortable. Thank you very much! Again, this is, “Your Lodge,” and your assistance is greatly appreciated.

The Trustees of the Lodge are still working on completing a list of contractors interested in bidding on upcoming construction projects at the Lodge. If you are interested, or know of any licensed contractors who are, please forward names and contact information to the Lodge, ATTN: Board of Trustees.

Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees