Columns News

Redwood Roamers – January 2020

The Roamers had their annual Christmas Party at the Elks Lodge on December 3rd. Roamers brought presents for the Marines’ Toys for Tots. Dale Bridges thanked the Roamers for their generous support. Howard Ritter updated the club on the proposed improvement for Elks #652 RV Park. Everyone enjoyed the hors d ’oeuvres
and good fellowship.

Please note that our next meeting will be on the second Wednesday, January 8th. This will be an important meeting because we will be accepting suggestions on where we want to roam in 2020! See you on January 8th at 4:30 at the Lodge.

The New Year brings a new format for our Jenga Tournament on Wednesday, January 22nd the Roamer Ladies vs. House Committee. The tournament will begin after tacos. See you there!

Happy Trails and Happy New Year!
Dale A. Stockly, Wagon Master