Columns News

Redwood Roamers – December 2019

The Redwood Roamers RV Group is alive and well as we approach the holiday season. The first weekend in November marked our last excursion to Benbow. This trip is a tradi,onal pre-Thanksgiving celebra,on with a Friday night turkey pot-luck dinner served with all the trimmings followed by a campfire. Saturday was Kindell Bruga’s birthday and we surprised her with a special cake. That evening our group a/ended the tradi,onal steak dinner at the community center to benefit the Piercy Volunteer Fire Dept.

On November 5th the Roamers a/ended the Lodge Christmas decora,ng party and everyone had a festive evening followed by dinner and great fellowship. Our Redwood Roamer tree proudly stands in the hallway for all to see.

A new tradition for the Roamers occurred on Sunday, November 17th when our group met at the lodge for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner prepared by Kathy Payne and her kitchen crew. Some Roamers brought a guest to dinner.

Please note that our next Redwood Roamer meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, December 3rd at 4:30PM for our annual Christmas party and slideshow. Please bring an Hors d’oeuvre and your favorite beverage.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Dale A. Stockly, Wagonmaster