Columns News

Exalted Ruler’s Column – November 2019

Well I can’t believe it is November already! Soon we will be decorating for Christmas! Oh by the way, we are going to be decorating for Christmas at the Lodge on November 11. We will be supplying dinner for the decorators and having fun preparing the Lodge for the Christmas Season.

November brings Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving, check the calendar in the Herd Talk for the events that are planned. If you did not attend Oktoberfest you missed out on a great evening filled with fantastic food and whenever Scott Reinsmith puts on an event, it is so much fun! Thank you’s go out to Hans Gerstacker and his cooking crew and the dining room volunteers who served everyone.

We are entering our busy time of the year so I would like to remind everyone who books an event here at the lodge remember you are not only responsible for your guests but you must supply the Event Coordinator with the list of your guests and they must leave when you leave( this is true all year long also). As the booking sponsor of the event you will have a table to check your guests in at. We will be having Tilers at the door and this makes their job easier and makes it much more enjoyable for your guests as they won’t have to wait in the foyer for their host to check them in. This is NOT a new rule but an old rule that is going to be enforced as this protects your lodge. We are a private club for our members, not a public venue.

The House Committee has revised the “Cook Your Own Steak,” contract. We will no longer be booking parties larger than 48 persons on a Friday night and we will be enforcing the following existing rules: sponsoring member of parties larger than 25 will need to purchase tickets at least 24 hours ahead of time along with supplying an alphabetical list of guests, arrive before your guests and check them off the list which will free the tiler to assist other members and their guests in signing in, inform your guests this is a no hat lodge, you and your guests will be required to wait until 7PM to start cooking your steaks, you must be done with the barbecue by 8PM, the sponsor is responsible to see that the dishes are bussed and the tables are cleared by 9PM and when you leave, so must your guests. If some of your guests do not show up and the tickets that you have pre-purchased may be used at a later date but must be signed by the “Cook of the Day” or the Officer of the Day.

Remember a vote to change the time of the Lodge meeting will be taking place at the first meeting in November.

As a reminder, we are entering into our busy time of the year and we are an all volunteer lodge so if you find that you have some extra time the next few months and you would like to become involved in your lodge, let us know. You can text or call me at 707-498-3101.

Gwen Carrol, Exalted Ruler
Deeds Not Words