Columns News

Trustee’s Corner – November 2019

Greetings, Members.

Our recent power outage hopefully did not catch too many members off guard. As North Coast residents, our winters are always full of flooding, power outages, and whatever Mother Nature throws at us. Hopefully, everyone fared well during this scheduled outage, and will be prepared for the winter months.

Your Lodge fared well, even though we were closed for a Wednesday night dinner. The Trustees are looking into some auxiliary power solutions for the Lodge. Holiday season is approaching, with the need for additional volunteers for kitchen, dining room and decorating. If you find yourself with some extra time and wish to join in the fun, please contact Nina in the office, or the new Event Coordinator, Jess Peters. Daylight Savings Time ends November 3rd. Remember to “fall back” an hour on your clocks.

I would personally like to thank those Members and US Coast Guard personnel who volunteered for the North Coast Veterans’ Stand Down event. It was a great success. Your Lodge Veterans’ Committee served dinner Thursday night and lunch Friday, for a estimated total of 520 meals.

Your Lodge Veterans’ Committee has united with your local Veterans Affairs office, and will be assisting the VA office with their Remembering Everyone Deployed (RED) Friday event to be held at the Elks Lodge on November 8th. Lunch will be served to all veterans. Refer to the Veterans’ Committee column in this Herd Talk for further information.

Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees