Columns News

PR – November 2018

A somewhat unknown fact about Humboldt County is that there are a lot of good cooks, many of whom use recipes and skills passed down through their families from a variety of countries and traditions. Many of these folks volunteer at the Eureka Elks lodge and show off their skills throughout the year at Lodge dinners and events. These culinary delights include Oktoberfest dishes, such as schnitzel, sausage, and sauerkraut with bacon in the Bavarian tradition; the Sons of Italy’s polenta and chicken feed; International Day, with dishes ranging from Greek Baklava to Irish Stew; and the pièce de résistance, Game Night, where diners are introduced to dishes that were probably very familiar in Northern California in the 1850s, such as elk cutlets, venison meatloaf, bear stew, and roast duck and coot, all contributed and prepared by local hunters. Granted that some of these dishes may be unfamiliar to suburbanites, but true food lovers
appreciate the authenticity and love given to traditional exquisite dishes made at the Elks Lodge.

Elk members are privileged to have access to Lodge events and all the great food and camaraderie involved, but guests are always welcome. So, if you know an Elk, don’t be too shy. Ask them to invite you to one of our special events and expect that they will graciously welcome your interest. Perhaps they’ll even invite you to show off your own cooking ability at Cook Your Own Steak night, held three Fridays a month for only $20.

Eddie Morgan, Public Relations Coordinator