
Trustee’s Corner – September 2019

Many thanks to all our members who supported this years’ Jamboree held at our Lodge. Special thanks to Jerry Vernig/Nelson Floor for the donation of carpet for the locations of our three Jenga stations to protect our dance floor. Jenga Madness was definitely one of the high points of the weekend. Thank you, Lodge Redwood Roamers and Howard Ritter, organizer.

Thanks again to Ron Porter and James “Jim” Collins for your work around the Lodge painting and lawn mowing. Ron is also a new face behind the bar. Please thank all our Volunteers for their time volunteering around the Lodge.

The Trustees are once again asking for any member who is a licensed contractor — general, electrical, plumber, certified welder — who is interested in doing work or submitting bids for work at the Lodge to submit their names and contact information (phone numbers and email addresses) so the Lodge can update its’ contact lists.

The Lodge is also seeking members who may wish to be considered for a maintenance/construction advisory committee to the Board of Trustees for any upcoming Lodge improvement projects. This committee would update the Board at each of their monthly meetings on project issues and progress. The committee would consist of one Trustee and four Lodge members in good standing, with background experience in construction, facilities maintenance, mechanical engineering/drafting, RV and recreational/commercial vehicle experience and/or bid solicitation for projects. Please submit contact information to the Board of Trustees.

We had our DDGER Visitation performed by Robert Lenk from Redding Lodge, on August 21, 2019, for our DDGER Brad Smith, who, by statute, could not audit his own Lodge. He was very impressed with the Lodge and spoke very highly of us. Last and not least, our local schools are back in session. Be extra careful while driving in school zones and look for buses, bicycles and walkers out and about on the roadways.

Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees