Columns News

Trusteee’s Corner – August 2019

Summer is flying by fast, especially with the nice weather we are having. Your lodge continues to be a busy hub of the community. The 4th of July Dinner was well attended and Kathy and her crew put together a great meal of beef ribs and BBQ chicken. Special thanks goes to Terry Long and Demmerri and all those who volunteered at the fireworks booth, which benefits our lodge youth events.

Thanks to all who have been stepping up volunteering around the lodge with indoor and outdoor projects. It all helps to make everything run smoothly and keeps your lodge shining! Whether it be scheduled work party days, Herd Talk mailing, stuffing envelopes for various up-coming events, kitchen and/or dining room help, every bit helps!

Continue to have an enjoyable fun and safe summer. I hope to see you at our District Jamboree this August 16th-18th at your lodge.

Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees