Columns News

Trustee’s Corner

Summer Greetings

Thank you Ron Porter, Kevin and Serina Tomlin for their lawn mowing and weed-eating around the lodge — everything helps. Anyone else wishing to volunteer at the lodge outdoors, indoors, kitchen, dining room we have all kinds of projects for everyone. Contact Jackie Stihl, Kathy Payne, Nina in the office, or myself Kevin Christie 707-498-7312.

The next Lodge Outdoor Work Party day will be July 19th at 9:00 a.m. For those interested, bring your favorite yard tools you like to use. We have lawn mowing, weed-eating, weed pulling, and some painting to do. Lunch will be provided.

Everyone have an enjoyable and safe summer.
Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees