Columns News

Loyal Knight’s Corner – July 2019

Summer is upon us and the warm weather is here. People are coming to the R.V. park to get out of the inland heat. The Flag Day ceremony we had was blessed with great weather for the outdoor presentation. We have a lot going on at the Lodge in the upcoming months. I hope everyone will come out and enjoy some of the activities.

I did not contribute to the Herd Talk last month so I would like to retroactively thank the coaches, officers and lodge members who helped and participated in the Ritual Contest in Ukiah. As your Loyal Night I squeaked out a third-place finish.

Mark September 21st on your calendars. That is the date scheduled for our Elk’s E.N.F. Golf Tournament fundraiser. Teams of four will play nine holes in a best ball scramble. Prizes for longest drive and closest to pin on certain holes will be given. There will also be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams. I still need a few more sponsors and an estimate of how many people will be playing so I will be putting a clip board with the sign-up sheet at the bar. If you want to help out (or have suggestions) please contact me at 498-1895. And last, but not least, October is E.N.F. month and our Oktoberfest fundraiser will be held the 2nd Saturday, October 12th. So come out and enjoy. Danke schön!