Columns News

Leading Knight’s Corner – June 2019

We are home again. The Ritual Contest and the State Convention are over. Congratulations to Dennis Hunter for winning the Protocol Trophy for last year! We all are very proud. I hope you will attend the Flag Day Ceremony here at our Lodge on Sunday, June 9th. It is going to be a big event. We also will have a free lunch for everyone following the ceremony.

On Thursday, July 4th I will be doing a Fund Raiser for the Purple Pig/Major Projects. It will be a BBQ of Chicken and Beef Ribs with Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Garlic Bread and Strawberry Short Cake. The price will be $15 per person and Dinner will be at 6 pm. Please RSVP at 442-6652 option 3: leave your name, phone number, # of people and the name of the event (ie: 4th of July, Flag Day, etc.) We hope to see you there!

Your Leading Knight,
Kathy Payne, Leading Knight