Columns News

Trustee’s Corner – June 2019

Greetings! Thanks to Ron Porter for stepping up and doing the needed power washing and painting in the lower parking lot. It looks good, Ron, and it is appreciated very much!

Thanks to the members, some of which are Lodge RV Roamers, for the lawn mowing and weed-eating around the lodge. Every hour counts! Thank you for your time and effort.

As soon as the weather improves, we will have more projects to complete along with another scheduled work day or two before the Jamboree in August.

When you pass thru the RV park please notice the freshly restored picnic tables. Three have been completed so far. This was work by several lodge members of the Redwood Roamers RV Group. Thank you for stepping up. Another job well done!

We will hear more of this phrase “Stepping Up” in the weeks and months to come.

The school year is coming to an end and summer will be upon us. This makes for more vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrians all in a hurry to go somewhere. We need to be more aware as we travel. Be prepared for the unexpected.

Fraternally and Respectfully,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees