Columns News

Exalted Ruler’s Column – April 2019

What is that saying, “Time flies when you are having fun?” It is definitely true! When I joined the Elks over six years ago, the idea
of being Exalted Ruler never crossed my mind. Even this last year, it seemed way off in the future. I even, when I heard my friend Dennis Hunter tell me, “This is something you’ll want to do next year,” it seemed surreal! But, guess what? It is real!!! It is here… Exalted Ruler.

I am looking forward to working with all the fantastic people who make up Elkdom. My theme, or motto, for this year is “Deeds Not Words.” So often we say we are going to do something and we don’t for one reason or another. So my goal is to “Git ‘er Done!” Your officer Corps has been practicing and working hard for the upcoming ritual contest, which is May 3, 4 and 5 in Ukiah. We will represent out lodge to the best of our abilities and hope to bring back some trophies.

In April, we will be having our annual Law Enforcement Appreciation dinner. It is scheduled for Thursday, April 11th. Then, that weekend, on Saturday, April 13th, we will be having another special event: our Elks Kid’s Easter Party. Don’t forget to sign your children or grandchildren up for this event and make sure to include the age and gender of your children. It is always fun to watch the children hunt for the Easter eggs and their excitement when they see the Easter Bunny enter the dining room. Look for more information regarding these events elsewhere in this edition of the Herd Talk.

Sidebar: Purple Pig—Barry Jacobson was the largest contributor. Second place went to Jack Nash and the decorated pig prize went to Pierre Carbonneau. Thank you to all who participated in this event and to Kathy Payne and her kitchen crew and a very special thanks to Shelly Dortch and Rendezvous Music and Vending for counting all the change.

Elkdom, American Values at Work. Eureka Elks Lodge #652.
Gwen Carroll, Exalted Ruler